//Store the array for multiple sessions.varappDada =Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current;varroamingSettings =appDada.roamingSettings;roamingSettings.values["dataArray"] = JSON.stringify(dataArray); 上面代码在 add button 和 delete button 中都要使用,保证数据的准确性。 读取数据: //Restore the data...
Supercharge your productivity with our cutting-edge TODO Widget app! Keep your to-do list always at hand for maximum efficiency. Stay organized, boost your focu…
ToDo List Widget for iOS 18 . Your simple interactive widget for unlimited todo list on home screen and your apple watch. Just create a list add task and customise your widget with themes , layouts ,fonts and much more. Create Multiple widget Features Include. • iOS 18 Lockscreen Widget ...
I have multiple To Do lists (work, personal and project) and so using the iOS widget I’d like to see the work list which is full of things to do. But I can only see Tasks in this widget and that is empty. I’d like either to have all tasks from my various lists appear in t...
Best cross-platform to-do list app that respects the Mac TickTick (Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Android, Windows, Web) TickTick pros: Really a web app, which means it works cross-platform with Windows and Android Still respects macOS design sensibilities, so using it isn't a chore Tic...
Create a Table:Start by creating a table for your to-do list. Select the range of your to-do list, and go to the "Insert" tab and choose "Table." Add Status Column:Add a column named "Status" to your table. In this column, you can use dropdown lists to indicate the status of...
widgetselection,widget,wysiwygarea,textwatcher"]], "extraPlugins": "accessibilityhelp,autogrow,autolink,basicstyles,bidi,blockquote,button,collapser,colorbutton,colordialog,confighelper,contextmenu,copyformatting,dialog,editorplaceholder,filebrowser,filetools,find,floatpanel,font,iframerestrictor,indentblock,...
How do I add and remove widgets in Windows 11? To add widgets in Windows 11, open the Widgets panel and select the widget you want to add. To remove widgets, simply click on the “X” icon on the top right corner of the widget. ...
Create unlimited To Do lists and add to your Home Screen. You can open and edit to list directly. Follow these 3 simple steps to get started: 1. Create a list in the app. 2. Add a widget in your preferred size. 3. Long press to configure the widget. FEATURES: - Create unlimited ...
MinimaList, a simple productive app featured on App Store home page. It's a to do list, a reminder, a checklist, a schedule planner and a task manager that hel…