5、优雅简介:To-do List采用了全球最受欢迎的色彩,马尔斯绿,配合优雅高效的交互设计,像素级的UI界面打磨,打造除了美观易用的高效应用; 软件亮点 1、软件的操作方法非常的简单,帮助用户便捷管理时间; 2、为你提供专业的代办事项记录功能,随时都可以查看; 3、没有任何广告、非常的好用,带给用户全新的操作体验...
它可以自定义多个分类,并且每个列表可以单独显示,满足众多用户的需求。再来看看它的个人用户界面,ui很漂亮,没有花里胡哨的东西,纯粹从使用的角度出发。 每次打开,头像那里还会有烟花撒下哦,对了,在列表界面左上角有一个小精灵,只要还有任务没有完成,她就会跟你打招呼,真的超可爱。接下来看看设置,这也是我很在意的...
To Do List 任务列表app ui 素材 更多UI素材尽在doupir豆皮儿网,一个专注于UI领域的垂直素材资源共享平台
Things 3, built by Cultured Code, is a leading task manager for daily planning, project management, and progress tracking. Its unique design and seamless UI have made it a user favorite and earned it recognition as Apple’s Design Award Winner—twice. A niche app for Apple devices,Things 3...
UI设计 19-01-21 12:46 来自微博weibo.com #ui设计# 一组清爽的to do list 待办事app界面ui设计分享 û收藏 7 1 ñ37 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...设计美学博主 4 毕业于 广州美术学院 查看更多 a 715关注 96.4万粉丝 47988微博 ...
TO DO LIST 任务列表 app ui .xd素材下载 更多UI素材尽在doupir豆皮儿网,一个专注于UI领域的垂直素材资源共享平台
“One quick glance at the new UI is all it takes to fall in love with it. The design team at Cultured Code have worked their magic all over the app, and every individual bit and pixel has been redesigned andcrafted to perfection.” ...
Flutter Task Listing App Theme v 1.2.4 Flutter Task Listing App is UI app template, suitable to build To-Do app for iOS, Android & web. Fully customizable with smooth animation & all necessary screens, aimed to provide best user experience. Compatible with Flutter 2.0.4 and Dart 2.12.2...
一套to do list待办事项日常安排app界面设计模板,包含 30 多个精心制作的页面,6个ui插画,40个ui组件,可用于待办事项/生产力应用,它将加速和...