Get control of your to do list with our easy-to-use free online task manager. Prioritize and group tasks, send reminders, and sync your lists across devices.
Our To-Do List template provides a structure for teams and individuals that want to organize their workload. From work projects to homework assignments, the template offers guidance to create an efficient and methodical task list. Before assigning projects and tasks to your team, it’s important... is a web-based to-do list and atask management app. It allows users to create to-do lists and view their upcoming and completed tasks in one place. It has a free version with limited features and premium and business versions, allowing access to more features. Core Features Any....
Download ourfree To Do List templateto helpyou, yourteam, yourfamily, or yourorganization. This template is already set up for auto filtering so that you can group the tasks by date, priority, status, etc. You also use the auto sort buttons to list the tasks in order by date, priority...
Freestyle工作法也许比to do list更能提高工作效率 编者按:本文来自微信公众号“LinkedIn”(ID:LinkedIn-China),作者37度2,36氪经授权发布。 快25岁的时候,我开始学着做计划。 在此之前,我一直像风一般的老妹儿般活着。 刺激我开始做日程计划的是李笑来,那时他有本书很火,叫《把时间当做朋友》。
In this in-depth post, you’ll learn everything you need to know about to do lists. We’ll also give you access to 37 free, editable, and downloadable to do list templates for Excel, Word, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and PDF. ...
Microsoft To Do is available for free, and syncs across iPhone, Android, Windows, and the web.1 FAQ | The main purpose of a to do list is to provide yourself with a list of your priorities in order to ensure that you don't forget anything and are able to effectively plan out your...
Microsoft To Do is available for free, and syncs across iPhone, Android, Windows, and the web.1 FAQ | The main purpose of a to do list is to provide yourself with a list of your priorities in order to ensure that you don't forget anything and are able to effectively plan out your...
然后你把这一天的To-do list和反to-do list拿出来一看: 3-5件使命必达项已完成,我还做了这么多附加题!简直效率小能手本手! 超满足有没有! 贯穿所有过程,排除干扰 Freestyle看似随意,其实是一种看似失序的有序,他的价值在于让思路不被打断,因此屏蔽干扰很重要。
素有硅谷“网络金童”美称的Marc Andreessen说他2007年后就开始不做日程安排了,完全Freestyle。 那时他36岁,正值普通人开始健忘需要记笔记的年纪。 以前Andreessen也是一个行程计划精确安排到分钟的人,结果开始不按计划走之后,工作产出并没受到什么影响,反而人更轻松了,效率还提高了。