在React 的组件中传递方法与传递属性类似,现在TodoBox组件中有一个handleToggleComplete函数,将它传递给TodoList组件: <TodoList toggleComplete={this.handleToggleComplete} // 其他的属性及方法写在这里 /> 这样你就可以在TodoList组件中通过this.props.toggleComplete来调用这一方法了,你也可以将这一方法继续向下一...
现在来看一下使用 React 改造后的 To-Do List 代码 importReactfrom'react';classTodoListextendsReact.Component{state={todos:[],current:''}componentDidMount(){// 初次加载时,获取localStorage,并同步到statethis.setState({todos:JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('todos'))||[]});}componentDidUpdate(){//...
1//TodoList 组件是一个整体的组件,最终的React渲染也将只渲染这一个组件2//该组件用于将『新增』和『列表』两个组件集成起来3varTodoList =React.createClass({4render:function() {5return(67<TypeNew />8<ListTodo />910);11}12});1314//TypeNew 组件用于新增数据,15varTypeNew =React.createClass({1...
Update:{SOLVED} --〉state没有更新,因为tasks状态包含从db检索的对象数组,而当直接使用setTasks([....
However, if you prefer the lint results to appear right in your editor, there are some extra steps you can do. You would need to install an ESLint plugin for your editor first. Then, add a file called .eslintrc to the project root: { "extends": "react-app" } Now your editor ...
I am developing an application with react/redux, and I started using libraryreact-intlfor formatting messages and dates. I have already been able to show in a<FormattedDate>tag what timezone it's using. I would like to have in a select all the possible timezones existing, so when the ...
In this tutorial, you will build a To-Do application using Django and React. React is a JavaScript framework for developing SPAs (single-page applications). It hassolid documentationand a vibrant ecosystem around it. Django is a Python web framework that simplifies common practices in web develop...
Are there any ways to do this? Or is this impossible and requires other backends to do it? P.S.: I have not done anything for the data as I was still trying to see if the name works first javascript reactjs Share Improve this question ...
This will add the dependencies to the project and get us ready to style our application. Creating a Card with Styled Components The next step will be to create a component to show our card. We can use the code below to do this: // app.js import React from "react"; import ReactDOM ...