With DHTMLX To Do List, you can integrate a multi-user backend into your app to simplify collaboration between end-users. This feature allows managing simultaneously the same tasks in the list and keeping track of any changes via the UI in real-time without page reloading. View sample Sett...
localStorage.setItem('todolist', JSON.stringify(data));//stringify方法里的data从哪来?? --在前面数组操作里已经操作过了};
KnockoutJS的特点是双向绑定,在ViewModel中定义一系列的变量,然后用data-bind绑定到对应的HTML元件中即可。做这个项目的时候有几个难点:1.实现输入to-do后按回车键添加; 2. 实现动态组件变化,如点击编辑按钮后变成储存按钮,点击编辑按钮后to-do文字部分变成编辑框; 3. 修改样式让to-do变得好看(没错,这个花费时间...
$ git commit -m "Briefly describe what you did." $ git push origin your_name/task_title_in_short Then got to https://github.com/tagaism/restaurant_menu/pulls.Assign all members to code-review.Create PR to 'main' branch.Inform team in slack.DO NOT MERGE! Wait for feedback....
$ git commit -m "Briefly describe what you did." $ git push origin your_name/task_title_in_short Then got to https://github.com/tagaism/restaurant_menu/pulls.Assign all members to code-review.Create PR to 'main' branch.Inform team in slack.DO NOT MERGE! Wait for feedback....
1、原生JS 首先通过一个 To-Do List 实例,来简单了解一下原生 JS 的写法 明确一下需求: 输入内容,点击添加按钮,可添加待办事项 点击单个条目可删除 刷新页面不丢失数据 To-Do List 再来看一下代码: HTML 部分比较简单: 添加<ulid="todoList">学前端跑步 CSS 部分略过不提,JS 如下: constaddButton=document...
开发To-Do-List大部分的原因是因为看到了molunerfinn所写的Electron-vue开发实战的系列文章,比较详细的介绍了PicGo的开发流程,便就着文章教程开始了开发。 本篇文章主要是记录一下在Electron-vue开发实战中没有提及到的问题以及一些知识点。 构建完项目后,就找了个简单项目练练手,项目是模仿TIM的中自带的待办事项功...
最近在学 React.js,也写了一些练习的项目,之前参考网上的一些代码写了一个很简单的 to-do list。对于初学者来说,写个基本的 to-do list 对于理解 React 中的一些概念及语法倒是挺有帮助的。 现在很多的 React 项目中已经开始使用 ES6 来写了,不过因为我在学习 React 的时候看的教程大多都是用 ES5 写的,...
your Azure Cosmos DB account"; config.databaseId = "ToDoList"; config.containerId = "Items"; if (config.host.includes("https://localhost:")) { console.log("Local environment detected"); console.log("WARNING: Disabled checking of self-signed certs. Do not have this code in production."...
your Azure Cosmos DB account"; config.databaseId = "ToDoList"; config.containerId = "Items"; if (config.host.includes("https://localhost:")) { console.log("Local environment detected"); console.log("WARNING: Disabled checking of self-signed certs. Do not have this code in production."...