whereby:“to gaze implies more than to look at – it signifies a psychological relationship of power and sexuality in which the gazer dominates the object of the gaze”(Schroeder and Zwick,2004:30). However, what is interesting in the context ofLove...
Some in our culture, however, do give things over to or do things for those who say they guarantee eternal bliss in exchange. Why are so many so susceptible to such verbal behavior?This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. ...
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Various publications consider the role of stakeholders in practice. For example, Baekkeskov (2016) asks “Why do similar countries facing the same threat respond differently?”: Policies (e.g., on vaccination) differ in Denmark and the Netherlands (e.g., influenza). While making decisions unde...
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The year 2010 was an important turning point for China’s economy, and the digital economy has become its new feature. In the digital economy wave, digital transformation and innovation are two essential starting points for enterprise development. Few st
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