This blog will implement a simple to-do Blazor WebAssembly app using the HTML5 drag-and-drop API and SyncfusionBlazor CardandAccordioncomponents via JavaScript interop. In the app, we will implement the following functionalities: Drag and drop tasks within the to-do section. Dra...
I created a simple todo kind of app using JavaScript. It is working fine but the code which I wrote is not proper. Please review my code and improve it if it is needed. $(function() {vartodo =newTodo('contents'); $('.addBtn').on('click',function() {varname = $(this).parent...
If our app should be interactive we need some way to store and modify state and then react to it in CSS. Normally that state would be in the HTML, but without JavaScript we can’t modify the DOM stucture. To get around that we can use a checkbox form field to store the state and...
var camera = new Appworks.AWCamera(onSuccess, onFail); function onSuccess(data) { console.log(data); // do something with data } function onFail(err) { console.log(err); } camera.takePicture(); Note: if you are using angularJS, $scope.$apply() calls will need to be made in you...
Using tags Vue.js Angular React Svelte Why Choose DHTMLX JavaScript To Do List Component? Multi-featured to do list in JavaScript With the DHTMLX check list, you can create a perfect structure for your JavaScript projects. All tasks will be available in one single scrollable list. You can cli...
All the images are inlined, full-size, for easy perusing This developer-centric message is out of the way. We want your visitors to have JavaScript enabled just as much as you do! Your browser is not recognized or is currently unknown. ...
In Power Apps, create a JavaScript (JS) type web resource using the JSON file you created in step 1. Add the rich text editor control to a text column in a form, and in the Add Rich Text Editor Control pane > Static value, enter the relative URL of the JavaScript web resource. Alth...
It then gives you a URL to launch the app at http://<app-name>, which is the app's URL on Azure.Clean up resourcesWhen these resources are no longer needed, you can delete the resource group, the Azure Cosmos DB account, and all the related resources. To do so, ...
Using the TypeScript language, a superset of JavaScript, you can build an Ionic application on top of Angular, which runs as a hybrid Android app using the WebView plugin. The Ionic framework acts as the glue between the Android platform, Angular, and Cordova. The resulting hybrid app feels...
Android JSframework lets you write android applications using JavaScript, HTML and CSS orReact NativewithNode.jssupport. It is based onNode.js. It allows you to write fully featured android application innode jsand provide you environment to use anynpmpackage in your android app (i.e. Socket...