A.show her love for life B.rid herself of low spirits C.earn money for her schooling D.inspire others to live positively 【小题2】Which word may best describe the young lady? A.helpfulB.outgoingC.ambitiousD.humorous 【小题3】Which do you think is the best title of the passage?
WritingHow to describe a personpersons appearance外貌外貌tallshortoverweightslimskinny皮包骨的皮包骨的medium height中等身高中等身高 elegant优
If I'm not mistaken, for example describing a young lady it sounds better to say "curvy'' I don't know if there is some option to describe a boy who is overweight.The context is to plan a training program at the gym for this boy. 查看翻译 [来自HiNative]Hi!正在学习外语的你 你知...
写作How_to_describe_a_person Writing Howtodescribeaperson Introduction Basicsfordescribingaperson •Physicalappearance:face,facialexpressions,body,clothes•Personality:habit,interests,manners,tastes,actions•Focusononeortwoaspectsofaperson•Produceanoverallimpressionandyourfeelingabouttheperson(keywordinyourtopic...
My name is Li Hua, at the age of 18.Generally speaking(一般而言/一般说来),I would like to describe myself as a boy who is___and___in character(相称/适合/相符)and easy to get along well with others. 考试中描写性格的形容词 开朗...
写作How to describe a person Writing Howtodescribeaperson 整理课件 1 tallshortbeautifuloverweight slimmediumheight(中等身高)good-lookingelegant(优雅的)skinny(皮包骨的)smartlydressedcutebrighteye person’sappearance外貌 manlypretty oneandahalfmetrestallthin rosy(红润的)lovely welldresseddarkhair wrinkled(...
Words to describe a person人物描写相关词汇 1. PhysicalAppearance 长相: handsome, good-looking, athletic, muscular, fat, overweight, pretty, beautiful, good-looking, attractive, plain, slim, plump, thin, skinny 头发: pigtail辫子 curly hair,wavy hair卷发 straight hair直发 spiky hair短而直的头发 ...
26. Which word can be used to describe the boy's father? A. Wise. B. Cold. C. Kind-hearted. D. Brave.7. What can be inferred from the text? A. The author enjoys traveling very much. B. A lazy child can't be given a hand to. C. "Yes. you can" has helped the author a...
写作How_to_describe_a_person WRITING HowtoDescribeaPerson DescriptiveWriting:People Physicalappearancethewaytheydresstheircharacterandpersonalitytheirinterestsandthethingstheydosocialclassorfamilybackgroundimportantexperiences appearanceface eyenosemouth figurehair dress 1.VocabularyStudyAppearance...
一.Words to Describe People 1.Appearance 外表 2.Personalities[ˌpɜrsəˈnælɪtiz] 性格 3.Emotions and Feelings 情绪和感受 二.Words to Describe Weather 三.Words to Describe Food 四.Words to Describe Pets 五.Words to Describe Places 六.Words to Describe Trips(远行) 七.Typical ad...