Microsoft Excel has a special function to delete nonprinting characters - the CLEAN function. Technically, it strips off the first 32 characters in the 7-bit ASCII set (codes 0 through 31). For example, to deletenonprintable charactersfrom A2, here's the formula to use: =CLEAN(A2) This ...
Step 2. Once uploaded, select the page and click "delete" to remove the page from your PDF document. Step 3. Finally, click "Apply changes" to save your edited PDF file, then hit the "Download" button to save it. Editor's Final Words Whether you work on Windows or Mac, you can ...
Navigate to a comment thread you want to delete. Press theTabkey until you hear: "More thread options, button." PressSpacebarto open the menu. Then press theDown arrowkey until you hear "Delete thread," and pressSpacebar. The thread is deleted and the f...
Make sure that the external Help file or Web site that you create a link to is accessible by your users. If you want to add a link to an HTML file in a form template that is compatible with InfoPath only (in other words, users must use InfoPath to fill out forms based...
In other words, if you want to remove page 2 of your document, go to the top of page 3 and press Backspace; this works because the last character on page 2 is a hard page break. In this example, you might want to also delete the hard page break at the end of page 1. ...
Part 1. How to Delete One Text Message on Android Phone Manually [Slow]How do I delete text messages on this phone? The most direct way is to manually delete it from the SMS app. To do this, you can follow these steps:Step 1. Open your SMS app on your Android phone and long-...
How to extract text from a PDF image? The best solution is to get a powerful PDF editor with the OCR and recognize the words on the picture. Since this feature makes the PDF editable, you can add text to the PDF image and delete and copy from it. This post guides you to extract te...
1. Click Kutools Plus > Worksheet > Delete Blank Worksheets, see screenshot:2. And a prompt box will appear to remind you whether you want to delete all blank worksheets or not, see screenshot:3. Then click Yes, and the blank worksheets have been deleted successfully. See screenshots:If...
Delete words from SwiftKey Microsoft Swiftkey is another keyboard that is by default available on most Android devices. Method #1: Delete from the keyboard Deleting a word from the text prediction bar is pretty simple. First, you need to launch the keyboard by tapping on a text field. ...
2.3. Delete Rows with Specific Words and Conditions Remove rows with matching text and criteria too. We have a similar dataset from above. However, this time we have three people named “Gina”. Now we want to remove the rows containing the name “Gina” and those born after 1990. Steps...