Conjugation table for Japanese verb ganbaru - to stand firm, try your best 頑張る The conjugations and English meanings are automatically generated and not all forms are always relevant for all verbs. This is for a guide only - please double-check if you need to use the information for ...
The passive can also be used in a slightly different way in Japanese to express when something regrettable happens to someone. Eg. rather than sayingFred's mother died (Fred san no okasan shinimashita)the passive could be used to express regret over the situation:Fred san wa okasan ni shina...
Conjugate the Japanese verb 播種 (hashu suru) in all forms with usage examples播種 conjugation has never been easier!
Conjugate the Japanese verb 率いる (hikīru) in all forms with usage examples率いる conjugation has never been easier!
How to conjugate na-adjectives in Japanese Na-adjective conjugations are, in truth, an extension of the “to be” conjugation. All you need to do is attach the appropriate conjugation of desu to the end of the na-adjective and you’re done! Japanese English ですdesu is じゃありません...
tense, which works so nicely. The Japanese, although told in past tense, does seem to fit to present tense somewhat naturally since Murakami is describing the unending repetition in the town as it goes through the seasons. The last sentence in the chapter is このようにして街の一日は終わ...
The "conjugation" doesn't transform the whole verb into an entirely new verb (aside from a couple of irregular exceptions). Japanese verbs consist of the fixed part and the part that can conjugate, and only the verb suffixes can change form. The fixed part is called the stem form, and ...
This expression is the Japanese equivalent of “no matter what happens” or the more old-fashioned English saying, “Come hell or high water.” And remember, even if it rains or spears fall, you can always use this guide to understand Japanese idioms! Japanese idioms that exist in English...
Note also the conjugation for the-teform, which is an important Japanese verb form to know. It does not indicate tense by itself; however, it combines with various verb forms to create other tenses. Additionally, it has many other unique usages, such as speaking in the present progressive, ...
In this lesson, you will learn how to conjugate Japanese verbs in the present tense, past tense, present negative, and past negative. If you are not familiar with verbs yet, read "Japanese Verb Groups" first. Then, learn "The ~te form," which is a very useful form of the Japanese ve...