Cell phone addiction can also damage personal relationships. In social settings, people are often more engaged with their screens than with those around them. This phenomenon, known as“phubbing” (phone snubbing),can weaken relationships by making others feel ignored or unimportant. Over time, exce...
The results revealed there were high chances of depression for cell phone addicts. Cases of antisocial behaviors have been noted in some people addicted to the phone use, as they prefer utilizing much time on a phone instead of interacting with close friend and family. The incidence of some ...
Mobile phone addiction has become an acute problem among "left-behind children" in China's rural areas, according to a recent research report, which recommends the inclusion of cellphone management courses in school curriculums to ...
《像戒烟那样戒除手机瘾》 Quit your cell phone addiction like you quit smoking 早在iPhone问世之前很久,香烟就成了烦躁人士的首选伴侣。而在Facebook诞生之前很久,正是烟草让你有望增进自己的社交生活。 而如今,戒除智能手机已成为新的戒烟。就此,英国《金融时报》驻旧金山记者汉娜?库赫勒写下本文。 当然,科技不...
在我们学习英语的时候都知道 play 是表示玩的意思,但是在我们表示玩手机的时候可千万不能翻译成Play the phone! 1.Be addicted to...“对...上瘾” Are you or your children addicted to the cellphone? 你或你的孩子经常玩手机么? Cellphone addiction is a common thing these days. 手机...
Let’s first understand what phone addiction is and what counts as excessive phone use. Phone addiction or compulsive phone use goes alongside internet addiction and social media addiction. Psychologists also call it “problematic phone use.” For this post, we will consider them together. Cell p...
Rural minors addicted to cellphones, report finds Mobile phone addiction has become an acute problem among "left-behind children" in China's rural areas, according to a recent research report, which recommends the inclusion of cellphone management courses in school curriculums to teach students how...
Rural minors addicted to cellphones, report finds Mobile phone addiction has become an acute problem among "left-behind children" in China's rural areas, according to a recent research report, which recommends the inclusion of cellphone management courses in school curriculums to teach students how...
"At first glance, one might have the tendency to dismiss such aberrant cell phone use as merely youthful nonsense – a passing fad. But an emerging body of literature has given increasing credence to cell phone addiction and similar behavioral addictions," Roberts said. ...
How does this cell phone addiction progress down such a dark path? The answer is simple, yet complex. When we use our phones in public, it’s so we don’t have to deal with the present. We are hoping to avoid eye contact on the bus or cure the boredom of a long plane ride. At...