人生火的失败就是这些东西的失败,正如人和大自然的残酷寒冷所表达的那样。 【参考资料】Jack London(杰克·伦敦)《To Build a Fire》《生火》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End ———
生火 To Build a Fire 杰克·伦敦 著 六朔 译 天已破晓,灰冷异常。有个男人从育空步道的干道转出来,爬上高高的河堤,那里有另一条模糊难辨、人迹罕至的步道向东而去,穿过长满粗壮云杉的林地。河堤陡峭,爬到顶时他停下来喘着气,为了掩饰喘吁,他看了看表。时间是九点,天空万里无云,却不见太阳,连太阳的...
关于Jack London的 生火 to build a fire 1.本文译文 2.本文评论 3.本文在《美国短篇小说赏析》上的介绍 4.原文 我今晚就用,
it eperienced a vague but menacing apprehension that subdued it and made it slink along at the mans heels, and that made it question eagerly every unwonted movement of the man as if epecting him to go into camp or to seek shelter somewhere and build a fire。 the dog had learned fire,...
To_Build_a_Fire_《生火》中文翻译_杰克伦敦1To Build a Fire,杰克伦敦作品《生火》是著名美国作家,杰克伦敦的著名短篇故事之一。描写的是一个人独自在寒冷中行走,最终抵御不住严寒而冻死的故事.《生火》是一篇经典的自然主义作品。故事中的人藐视自然,却被自然挫败。 生火原文如下:天气又阴又冷,他离开了育空河...
To Build a Fire大学英语作文一 day had broken cold and gray, eceedingly cold and gray, when the man turned aside from the main yukon trail and climbed the high earth-bank, where a dim and little traveled trail led eastward through the fat spruce timberland。 it was a steep bank, and ...
Build a Better Vocabulary by:阳彻 973 Build Up to Countdown by:AK创客 773 21 Ways to Build a High P by:巧得一隅Carmen 182 A Kiss to Build a Dream On-Various Artists by:小众style 111 A Kiss To Build A Dream On-Louis Armstrong ...
ToBuild_a_Fire_《生火》中文翻译_杰克伦敦ToBuildaFire,杰克伦敦作品 《生火》是着名美国作家,杰克伦敦的着名短篇故事之一。描写的是一个人独自在寒冷中行走,最终抵御不住严寒而冻死的故事。《生火》是一篇经典的自然主义作品。故事中的人藐视自然,却被自然挫败。 生火原文如下: 天气又阴又冷,他离开了育空河主道...
it happened. At a place where the snow seemed very solid, the ice broke. The man's feet sank into the water. It was not deep, but his legs got wet to the knees. The man was angry. The accident would delay his arrival at the camp. He would have to build a fire now to dry hi...
To_Build_a_Fire_《生火》中文翻译_杰克伦敦1ToBuilda Fire,杰克伦敦作品《生火》就是著名美国作家,杰克伦敦得著名短篇故事之一。描写得就是一个人独自在寒冷中行走,最终抵御不住严寒而冻死得故事。《生火》就是一篇经典得自然主义作品。故事中得人藐视自然,却被自然挫败。 生火原文如下:天气又阴又冷,她离开了...