annoy/ə’nɔi/vt.使恼怒;打搅 annual/‘ænjuəl/a.每年的n.年报 anticipate/æn’tisipeit/vt.预料,预期,期望 anxiety/æŋg’zaiəti/n.焦虑,忧虑;渴望 anxious/‘æŋkʃəs/a.忧虑的;渴望的 apart/ə’pa:t/ad.相隔;分开;除去 apologize/ə’pɔlədʒaiz/vi....
The college entrance examinations in China will begin in less than a month. This set of pictures captures life on the campus of Beijing Chen Jing Lun High School in the last days before the final showdown. Chinese hiker went missing at Mt. Whitney in west U.S. A 27-year-old female Ch...
Linkages between climate and human activity are often calibrated at daily or monthly resolutions, which lacks the granularity to observe intraday adaptation behaviors. Ignoring this adaptation margin could mischaracterize the health consequences of futur
the gratitude of a fe the greased up deaf g the great atlantic pa the great contraction the great decca recor the great dionysia the great distance se the great financial c the great ghost rescu the great learning the great love that i the great master the great military re the great nort...
24. Informal To begin an act: Here goes! 25. Obsolete To walk. 1. To proceed or move according to: I was free to go my own way. 2. To traverse: Only two of the runners went the entire distance. 3. To engage in: went skiing. 4. Informal a. To bet: go $20 on ...
A grave subject, you will say; and a wide one! Yes; so wide that I shall make no effort to touch the compass of it. I will try only to bring before you a few simple thoughts about reading, which press themselves upon me every day more deeply, as I watch the course of the ...
In the spring of 1829 a shocking story appeared in the press. Alexander Sergeyevich Griboyedov, the former member of Paskevich’s staff who had delivered the signed copy of the Treaty of Turkmanchay to Nicholas I, and was then sent back to Tehran as...
Released: 2007 Directed by: Richard LaGravenese Also ranks #3 on The Best Movies About Hope For When You're Feeling A Bit Hopeless Also ranks #3 on The Best Hilary Swank Movies Also ranks #9 on The Best MTV Movies List 42 The Parent Trap Lindsay Lohan, Dennis Quaid, Natasha Richard...
e. To regard or consider in a particular relation or from a particular viewpoint: We must take the bitter with the sweet. Take the matter as settled. f. To understand or interpret: May I take your smile as an indication of approval? g. To consider to be equal to; reckon: We take ...
Lookingintoamirror,wecanseetrueimagesofourown;withourknowledgeofthepast,thepresentcanbebetterknown.—ChenShou明镜所以照形,古事所以知今。——陈寿 Peoplehavebeendreamingabouttimetravelformanyyears.Readtheexcerptonpage29anddiscussthefollowingquestionsinpairs. ...