Methodwakesthedestinationthreadoutofanywaitstateitmaybeinandcausesanexceptiontoberaised. 方法会将目标线程从其可能处于的任何等待状态中唤醒,并导致引发异常。 5. Thecommitteesaidinternetaccesswasoneofanumberofissuestoberaisedinmeetingsheld by the co-ordinationcommissiontoday. ...
将“to be raised"翻译成荷兰文 opgevoed worden是将“to be raised"翻译成 荷兰文。 译文示例:I don't want our kids to be raised with their parents poisoning their minds against each other. ↔ Ik wil niet dat onze kinderen opgevoed worden met ouders die hun kinderen tegen de ander ...
to be raised 动词不定式的一般式表示的动作时间和主语动作(谓语),时间上没有严格的区分,可能是同时,可能是之前或之后 raised 是过去分词,表示动作的完成,如果这个句子用raised,就表示raised这个动作发生在left之前。但是根据意思,我们知道,不能用完成来表示 ...
paper suggested that funds mightbe raisedfrominterested donors for pilot projects to further capitalize [...] 虽然文件建议可以为试点 项目向关心的捐助者募集资金,以便进一步利用该融资机制,但是也得出结论,还需要司 库作进一步研究,并且外部碳市场专家的意见也会有助于...
“be raised to”表示“提高到(多少)”。在具体应用中,它用于描述将某个标准、水平、温度或其他指标提升到特定的数值或状态。以下是
解析 【解析】 raised by是提高了(多少T hey demanded that their wages be raised by10 percent.他们要求增加百分之十的工资。 raised to提高到(多少the standard be raised to a minimum of 95%.将该标准提高到最低95%。希望对你有帮助,满意请采纳~ ...
"Rachid : My parents come from Pakistan, Moira, but I wasborn and raisedin Cleveland, Ohio." "I know for a fact that you wereborn and raisedin Brooklyn, where English is spoken almost fluently." 进一步了解… 仍然觉得使用“To be raised by”有困难?试试我们的在线英语课程并接受免费水平评估...
Boys have to be raised in poor otherwise they don't strive for life while girls need to be raised in rich so that they won't be cheated by a piece of cake.男孩穷着养,不然不晓得奋斗:女孩富着养,不然人家一块蛋糕就哄走了。 ...
objection shallbe raisedtothe qualification of any voter or (b) any votes have been counted whichoughtnotto have been counted or which might have been rejected or (c) any votes are not counted whichoughttohave been counted, the objection or error shall not vitiate the decision of the meetin...
3 apart 有形容词的用法,也有副词的用法,这里就是副词的用法.(顺便说一句,题目你打错了,是to be raised,被动语态).这里的had to be raised 充当句子的谓语部分,用apart来修饰,句子的意思是在他们的父母死后,这对双胞胎不得不被分开来抚养. 4 part n.部分结果...