i would invest the mo i would just about le i would lay there han i would like a hair d i would like to be ha i would like weeping i would make wine fro i would plead i would punch i would rather you ca i would take care of i would take it i would toss them in i would ...
delivery point delivery side delivery vertex prese deliveryboltandnut deliverycompletebeeth deliveryininstalment deliveryinspection deliverylaunchsystemo deliverypressurehead deliveryroomcare deliveryspeed dell 1909w dell china co ltd dell d600 dell recalls explodin dell sp 1908fp dell type gd761 dell hp ...
It is the text that Evernote has been able to recognise in the document. This data is not preserved when the note are imported into Joplin. However, should it become supported in the search tool or other parts of Joplin, it should be possible to regenerate this recognition data since the...
It is the text that Evernote has been able to recognise in the document. This data is not preserved when the note are imported into Joplin. However, should it become supported in the search tool or other parts of Joplin, it should be possible to regenerate this recognition data since the...
for his lead performance in “Lilies of the Field,” it had been 24 years since Hattie McDaniel became the Jackie Robinson of the Academy Awards with her breakthrough triumph in 1940 for “Gone With the Wind.” And it would be another 19 years before there was a third: Louis Gossett ...
In addition to innate immunity, plants also have diverse defences that are more subtle in their effects and are only beginning to be understood. Quantitative resistance is considered to be more durable than qualitative resistance. Breeding for long-lasting resistance is critical in many plant–pathoge...
Text-to-Speech (TTS) is a process where text is converted into a human-sounding voice. Learn more about Twilio TTS technology.
It’s remarkable for someone who started her athletic career in her late 20s. “I always tell people to have big dreams, and set huge goals. Don’t get caught up in the place where we are right now and have tunnel vision and are limited in what we see of ourselves,” said Deutsch,...
DEUTSCH —“He took lavish trips, stayed at high-end hotels on the company’s dime in $1.5M fraud, AG says,” by NJ Advance Media’s Ted Sherman:“The former chief financial officer of one of New Jersey’s biggest law firms — fired last year after it was discovered he allegedly paid...
the germany unified the gerneration gap the ghost riders the giant returns hom the gift of moving be the giller prize the girl actually rep the girl can dress he the girl form monaco the girl i left behin the girl in blue the girl laughs the girl learns fast the girl lost her bal the...