edgy(adj.) "having sharp edges," 1755, fromedge(n.) +-y(2). Meaning "tense and irritable" is attested by 1837, perhaps from notion of beingon the edge, at the point of doing something irrational (a figurative use attested from c. 1600). Related:Edgily;edginess. ...
3. I’m a little edgy. 有点紧张,有点不耐烦 例句:He’s got a job interview tomorrow. He’s a little edgy right now (明天他要去应聘一个工作。他现在有点紧张。) Erin hasn’t slept for two days. So stay away from her, she’s a little edgy. (她有两天没睡觉了,所以离她远一点,她...
Restive meaning in Hindi is Hathi (हठी) - Synonyms and related Restive meaning is Edgy, High-strung, Jumpy and Nervy. Check out Restive similar words like Hindu Translation is Hathi हठी. Restive Meaning Hathi हठी Besabr बेसब्र Ashant अशां...
The standard advice that is given to people who want to be successful is often ineffective. You work hard all day, but often find yourself no closer to success than you were just last week.Edgy Conversations: How Ordinary People Can Achieve Outrageous Successreveals the truth, which is that ...
Bad Boy– If your man has a bad streak to him or is a little edgy Baldy– If your man has no hair (and doesn’t mind you laughing about it) Book Worm– A cute name for a guy whose head is often buried in a book. Brave Heart– A boyfriend fearless and admirable. ...
But when the Irish playwright and Nobel laureate George Bernard Shaw used this in his 1913 playPygmalion,it was an edgy move. It was one that showed (not told) his audience something about his character’s place in society. By using tmesis, he made a simple adjective unforgettable, and add...
products from Build-A-Bear for your own use, get help. Build-A-Bear’s customer base remains young — and while I’m sure the marketing gurus working with the brand want to expand the consumer base to older folks, a la Lego, the way they’ve done it is to be edgy, not ...
Should it be formal and professional? Sweet and romantic? Edgy and offbeat? If you’re stuck on names for your blog, this blog name generator is a helpful source of inspiration. Once you decide, you should also go ahead and choose your domain name for your blog. Also referred to as a...
best avoided. Dearden threw irksome ingredients into a film just to be edgy. Supposedly he is responsible for the first-ever interracial relationship in British film (1951’sPool of London). There the race angle is minor and gratuitous, tossed in to add spice to a workmanlike but unexciting ...
a2 . I will also complete the Complete Astrological Consultation I am working on right now. I am going to send it to you as soon as I have your permission. And if you agree right away, I will be able to offer the exceptional discount off my bill. 2. 我也将完成我现在工作的完全占星...