Kind of a tricky word to say, isn't it? Abbreviation.这个词说起来有些难,对吧?缩写。An abbreviation is a small group of letters that represents a larger word or a larger phrase and they're often used in written English but also in spoken English too.All of the ones I'm sharing in...
abbreviation for(2) Advertisement View synonyms forto AmericanBritish to 1 [too;unstressedtoo,tuh] Phonetic (Standard)IPA preposition (used for expressing motion or direction toward a point, person, place, or thing approached and reached, as opposed tofrom): ...
business factory regi business abbreviation business ad image business administrati business administrati business affairs engl business agent and re business ai min manag business analyst avp business analysts business and cals business and globaliz business and human ri business and internat business and ...
📝 Be prepared to start hearing and reading about this with increasing frequency—including in discussions of how AI researchers still don’t fully understand how it happens. LLM abbreviation. Computers.large language model: a type of machine learning algorithm trained on extremely large data sets...
It has been suggested that it was the abbreviation of the name Gunnilde, given to one of the hollow brass pipes which were supposed to heave the stone shells at the enemy;and this is quite possible, as those early monsters were all of them called after popular ladies, just as the 42cm...
allow_abbrev - Allows long options to be abbreviated if the abbreviation is unambiguous. (default: True) More info in theargparse page Example: data={"prog":"myapp","description":"This app does something cool","epilog":"And that's it"} ...
For better user experience, I like todefine an abbreviationinmy shellwhich also makes the examples easier to read: alias A very simple example is asimple bill: gf "2016-03-05 phone 12,34 €.pdf" → "2016-03-05 COMPANY landline 12,34€ -- scan bill.pdf" ...
names that want to be more memorable with a shortened version. Think about your target audience, and their need for an abbreviated version they'll remember. Just make sure to get feedback on your abbreviation, to make sure it makes sense and you haven't inadvertently spelt something ...
CDN is an abbreviation for “Content Delivery Network”. It refers to a geographically-distributed network of web servers (and their data centers). The entities that make up a CDN collaborate to ensure speedy content delivery via the internet. ...
[C20: from abbreviation of binary digit] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 bit1 (bɪt) n., v. bit•ted, bit•ting. n. 1. the mouthpiece of a brid...