Lawless Spanish » Verb ConjugationsConfesar – to admit, confess Spanish Verb Conjugations Present tense Subjunctive yo confeso nosotros confesamos yo confese nosotros confesemos tú confesas vosotros confesáis tú confeses vosotros confeséis él confesa ellos confesan él confese ellos confesen ...
Learn Spanish Translation ConjugationSign into some extentto some extentAdd to list hasta cierto punto Dictionaryto some extent ( tu suhm ehks - dehnt) phrase 1. (general) a. hasta cierto punto I'd agree with you to some extent, but you have to admit that you don't work just for...
I have to admit, the meat was quite chewy, needing to be cut into very small bite-size pieces. But it was very tasty; and the unusual cheese topping combined surprisingly well with the chops. That topping would be very nice on pork chops too, I think. . . It’s clear that my ...
The parents lie, but the child admits everything.Los padres mienten, pero el niño admite todo. b.el niño confiesa todo The child admits everything because he's not a mean person.El niño confiesa todo porque no es una mala persona. ...
I must admit, I did not enjoy the old town, ancient city of Hue at all. It was around 10€ entrance fee, which is a lot of Vietnam. Take it sower, more intense! 7. Skip or ignore other travelers One of the coolest things to do in Vietnam is talking to other travelers. Since ...
admit to 承认 例句:He finally admitted to his mistake.(他最终承认了他的错误。)agree to sth. 同意某事(比较:agree to do sth. 同意做某事)例句:They agreed to the terms.(他们同意了这些条件。)amount to 等于,达到 例句:Their savings amount to a significant sum.(他们的储蓄相当可观。)ap...
Spain is Europe’s fourth largest country after Russia, Ukraine and France. It consists of the Spanish mainland which occupies most of the Iberian peninsula apart from Portugal, the Balearic islands of Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera in the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands of Tenerife,...
a. to admit. b. to meet courageously; confront. Idioms: 1. face the music, to accept the consequences of one's actions. 2. in (or out of) someone's face, Slang. annoying (or ceasing to annoy) someone: You're always in my face! 3. in the face of, a. in spite of;...
Él admitió que estaba celoso de las posesiones de su amigo. In fact, he was jealous of the judge. De hecho, estaba celoso del juez. He's saying that he was jealous, too. Está diciendo que estaba celoso, también. That was why he was jealous of them. Por eso es que estaba cel...
1580s, "the action of admitting," formed in English fromadmit+-ance(if from Latin, it would have been*admittence; French usesaccèsin this sense). Used formerly in figurative senses whereadmissionnow prevails.Admissurewas used in this sense from mid-15c. ...