to adhere to an agreement; to follow a plan; to keep a promise.Please keep to the agreed-upon plan.Can you keep to what we agreed on? See also:keep,to keepsomethingto oneself to keep something a secret.I want you to keep this news to yourself.This should be kept to yourself. ...
1.Adhere to, conform to, as inLet's keep to the original purpose of this will. [Early 1600s] 2.Confine oneself to, as inWhenever she didn't feel well, she kept to her bed. Also seekeep to oneself. See also:keep,to keep to oneself ...
Create a synonym map to expand the scope of a search query over an Azure AI Search index. The query can search on equivalent terms provided in the synonym map, even if the query doesn't explicitly include the term.
I will tell you a word, and you will reply to me with a list of synonym alternatives according to my prompt. Provide a max of 10 synonyms per prompt. If I want more synonyms of the word provided, I will reply with the sentence: "More of x" where x is the word that you looked ...
Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> followcomplyabide byhold onhang onpersistfollowstick withkeep toattachstickcleaveadherestickhold fastbondbindstick to firmlystick to verb Synonyms for stick to verbstick to firmly Synonyms bind bond hold fast stick adhere Related...
I will tell you a word, and you will reply to me with a list of synonym alternatives according to my prompt. Provide a max of 10 synonyms per prompt. If I want more synonyms of the word provided, I will reply with the sentence: "More of x" where x is the word that you looked ...
1.Adhere to, conform to, as inLet's keep to the original purpose of this will. [Early 1600s] 2.Confine oneself to, as inWhenever she didn't feel well, she kept to her bed. Also seekeep to oneself. See also:keep,to keep to oneself ...
Synonym of Adhere is Attach, be fixed, be stuck, Bind, Bond, Cleave, Cling, cling to, cohere, conform, Depend, Fasten, Follow, heed, Hold, hold fast, Obey, Observe, stand by, Stick, stick by, stick to, stick together. What is the definition of Adhere. Definition of Adhere is stick...
Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> equaladequatecapableup toequal toadequate to adj Synonyms for adequate to adjhaving the requisite qualities for Synonyms equal to up to capable Related Words adequate equal Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. ©...
I use the word ‘target’ as a synonym for ‘empathised subject’, as it is in all respects the target of our empathy. 23. I take it to be a succinct and comprehensible description of what ‘cognitive empathy’ involves. 24. That empathy entails the feeling of a similar, akin, or co...