We currently provide access to OpenAI's and Claude's API. Please create a .env file in the root of the repository to store the keys (one of them is enough).Sample .env file containing private information:OA_OPENAI_KEY = "abc123abc123abc123abc123abc123ab" RF_CLAUDE_AK = "abc123abc123abc...
Deleting your account will prevent you from using the account to access OpenAI services, including ChatGPT, API, and DALL·E. You will NOT be able to create a new account using the same email address. If you delete your account, we will delete your data within 30 days, except we may r...
Navigate to your WebSocket API. Within your WebSocket API, select the onHandshake operation. Select the Test tab to access the Test console. Optionally, provide query string parameters required for the WebSocket handshake. Click Connect. View connection status in Output. Enter value in Payload. ...
("AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY"), api_version="2024-05-01-preview")# Provide the model deployment name you want to use for this exampledeployment_name ="YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_NAME_HERE"# Simplified weather dataWEATHER_DATA = {"tokyo": {"temperature":"10","unit":"celsius"},"san francisco": {"...
Function access keysHost-level function access keys are defined as Azure resources. This means that you can create and manage host keys in your ARM templates and Bicep files. A host key is defined as a resource of type Microsoft.Web/sites/host/functionKeys. This example creates a host-level...
apiKey: process.env['OPENAI_API_KEY'],// This is the default and can be omitted});asyncfunctionmain(){constparams: OpenAI.Chat.ChatCompletionCreateParams = { messages: [{ role:'user', content:'Say this is a test'}], model:'gpt-3.5-turbo', ...
import{OpenAIDriver}from"@llumiverse/drivers";// create an instance of the OpenAI driverconstdriver=newOpenAIDriver({apiKey:"YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY"}); In this example, we will instantiate the Bedrock driver using credentials from the Shared Credentials File (i.e. ~/.aws/credentials). Learn ...
Api Key ApiKey All regions Shareable Azure AD Integrated Use Azure Active Directory to access your speech service. US Government (GCC) only Not shareable Azure AD Integrated (Azure Government) Use Azure Active Directory to access your speech service. Azure Government and Department of Defense (DoD...
openai-api chatgpt-api Share Improve this question askedAug 12, 2023 at 3:41 FengZi 9122 silver badges99 bronze badges 1 Answer Sorted by: Highest score (default)Trending (recent votes count more)Date modified (newest first)Date created (oldest first) ...
Click Create Key. Name your key, and click Create Key to finish the process. Copy the key to a safe place—you won't be able to see it again once you close the pop-up. Very important: You need to keep this API key safe at all times. If someone finds your key, they may use ...