This Mod adds over 100 Explosives to Minecraft. You can help yourself in survival with the Mining TNT or if you want to destroy all the Minecraft World the Tier 4 TNTs are the perfect solutions. If you are a YouTuber and would like to feature my mod in one of your videos, I would...
ExplodingTNT: With Paul, Creeper321448, Saman Rajabian, WillFromAfar. ExplodingTNT makes the weirdest Minecraft videos on YouTube for kids 7 and older.
如何戏耍MC中的录视频者?(How to Troll Minecraft Youtubers - Hypixel) 上传者:714的小师 01:57 用最恼人的办法来整蛊你的朋友(Most Annoying Way to Troll Your Friends) 上传者:714的小师 02:15 整人把戏——假的慢移(Trolling in Minecraft - Fake Lag) ...
We are currently experimenting with Commandblocks to ensure that all the TNT is in the same Location, has the same delay and receives the same amount of pressure from the charges. We even tried glitching the TNT into certain blocks, so that the TNT is unable to move a Pixel, but none ...
最近,英伟达首席科学家Jim Fan等人给游戏行业来了点“科技与狠活”的震撼,竟然把GPT-4装进了“我的世界”(Minecraft),催生出了一个全新的性能完胜AutoGPT的AI智能体——Voyager。 有趣的是,它不仅可以根据游戏的反馈自主训练,而且还能够自行写代码推动游戏任务,在游戏中进行全场景的终身学习,用一个词概括就是:自...
在我的世界中那些令人尴尬的情况(Those Awkward Moments in Minecraft) 上传者:714的小师 02:57 在我的世界中的五种最糟糕的处境(5 Worst Situations to be in) 上传者:714的小师 02:55 戏耍菜鸟的五个步骤之二(5 Ways to Troll a Noob #2) ...