The following error is seen in the SAP Enterprise Inventory and Service Level Optimization (EIS) application log. When this occurs, it is usually when loading data or running a model: > ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found Read more... Environment Any version of SAP Enterprise ...
Solved: hi , During SAP upgrade i am stuck in . below Stage . Please find the Screen short and In SAP mmc Shadow instance Dispatcher is Down. Please Trans.log for Shadow
We have a commen error in our two systems. The users complaints about the long running work processes. When we try to connect DB, the connection was not possible and we received the error "TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error". After restarting the services and SAP instance,we were able...
))'))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=KRQ)(CID=(PROGRAM=C:\usr\sap\KRQ\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\brconnect.exe)(HOST=CKQERP)(USER=SAPServiceKRQ))) VERSION INFORMATION: TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production Oracle Bequeath NT Protocol Adapter for 64bit Windows: Version10.2.0.1....
ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve the connect identifier specified(Webi) Go to solution shiva_m Explorer on 2013 Jun 28 0 Kudos 7,791 SAP Managed Tags: SAP BusinessObjects - Web Intelligence (WebI) Hello Gurus, We are using BOBJ Webi 4.0 version and we have created a BO...
Diagnose ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred with succeeded Go to solution benoit-schmid Contributor on 2012 Jun 25 0 Kudos 1,742 SAP Managed Tags: Oracle Database Hello, It is the second time I see error message from our disp+work process, after our week end offline ...
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error TNS-00511: No listener 64-bit Windows Error: 2: No such file or directory Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(COMMUNITY=SAP.WORLD)(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=srv SID)(PORT=1521))) TNS-12541: TNS:no listener ...
Flu ShoItns:flTuheenCozmamVunaitcycRiensapotniosen: Community RespoSenpsteember 2001high priority group it is important to consider that this was the first year this group wasoffered free flu vaccines. This raterepresented a significant behavioral change from an estimated coverage rate of 10%based...
/ 泰雅薈泰式SAP美容瘦身 /1:1还原泰国风情!没宣传却100%好评!带来100%纯正的泰式体验!这是我私藏很久的秘密基地!很神秘,藏在CBD的公寓里,没有熟人带可能找不到路,一直舍不得分享!这里每位美容师都经过泰国老师亲自培训,拥有正宗泰式手法!现在不用远赴泰国,这里就可以体验到一场身体和精神的深层放松之旅!在这里...
contact: nishith gupta,welcome to the world of sapana! manufactured at state of the art plants at aurangabad and indore in india, sapana polypropylene mats are the gold standard for style, form and functionality, the world over. with a robust supply chain network, sapanas entire product line...