I am on an Oracle Engineered System (X8) and using Oracle While trying to connect to a pdb directly from sqlplus, I am getting the following error: ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor. The ...
python 连接 oracle 报错 cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor 原因: import cx_Oracle #导入模块 con= cx_Oracle.connect('用户名', '密码', '数据库ip/服务名') #创建连接 curs=con.cursor() #创建游标 sql = '' #...
does not currently knowofSIDgiveninconnect descriptor14-APR-201113:50:23*(CONNECT_DATA=(CID=(PROGRAM=)(HOST=)(USER=Brodyaga))(COMMAND=services)(ARGUMENTS=64)(SERVICE=LISTENER)(VERSION=169869568))*services*0 前三个条目是我尝试从NetBeans连接的条目。第四种方法是通过SQL*Plus进行连接,运行良好。 下...
How do you change the listenerURL for RSManagement.exe? How do you convert a number from negative to positive? How do you get Reports last Run date? How do you logout of Report Manager? How do you make two table columns the same width? How do you remove the TIME from the @Execution...