9 10 NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH= (TNSNAMES, EZCONNECT) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. //tnsnames.ora AI检测代码解析 1 # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: D:\install\oracle\oracle-install\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\network\admin\tnsnames.ora 2 # Generated by Oracle configuration t...
1. 添加监听器配置,listener.ora文件默认包括: LISTENER = (DESCRIPTION_LIST = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL =TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521)) ) ) ADR_BASE_LISTENER = /opt/app/ora11g 为了新建监听器名称,添加如下: DCSOPEN = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host =...
说这个情况的原因可能是:This means Oracle Net isunable to read the filecorrectly or entry inside the file. 解决方法是:Rebuild the TNSNAMES.ORA file, using the GUI Net Manager tool, is the recommend solution. This will ensure there are no mistakes in the net admin file, for example, bracket...
命令未找到:如果系统提示tnsping: command not found,可能是因为Oracle客户端未安装或环境变量未正确设置。请确保Oracle客户端已安装,并且ORACLE_HOME/bin目录已添加到PATH环境变量中。 网络服务名解析失败:如果tnsping无法解析网络服务名,检查tnsnames.ora文件中的配置是否正确,确保网络服务名拼写正确,并且网络服务名对应...
imp wztp/wztp123@helowinfile=\wztp\wztp_20231103.dmpfull=y ignore=y; 二、安装oracle注意事项 安装oracle还是得注意些问题的:比如你进入容器后,imp命令无法使用,需要在/etc/profile也有说修改/home/oracle/.bashrc 这里选择全都修改,添加下面的配置 ...
第二:修改系统环境变量Path值,将D:\Oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\bin;路径移至D:\Oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin;前面即可一劳永逸。 注意:造成以上这种情况出现的原因是:在一台电脑上同时安装了oracle客户端和数据库服务,并且是先安装客户端,再安装数据库服务造成的,如果先安装数据库服务,再安装客户端就...
INTCTL: error while constructing full file name Cause Problem while constructing the full path for a file name because the path name to the file or the environment variables are incorrect. Files looked up include TNSNAMES.ORA, TNSNAV.ORA, INTCHG.ORA and the error files for the Navigator and...
上面返回的 “尝试连接” 后面部分是sqlnet 如何解析到的TTORCL 别名,或者叫 连接标识符。该别名的解析是通过客户端的 TNS_ADMIN指定路径下的 sqlnet.ora文件中的 NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH 参数决定的。上面的试验结果显示的是通过 TNSNAMES 适配器 来解析成功的。
Cause: Problem while constructing the full path for a file name because the path name to the file or the environment variables are incorrect. Files looked up include TNSNAMES.ORA, TNSNAV.ORA, INTCHG.ORA and the error files for the Navigator and Connection Manager. Action: Check that all ...
Makefile Build for arm64 when on a new Mac. Nov 2, 2021 README.md TNS readme polish. Mar 19, 2024 create-k3d-cluster Code review fixes Jan 4, 2022 go.mod fix: replace golint by statickcheck Oct 2, 2024 go.sum fix: replace golint by statickcheck ...