2) Delete the log file(s) that are at or approaching the 4G size limit at this location: $ORACLE_BASE\diag\tnslsnr\<hostname>\listener\trace\<listener_name>.log 3) Issue any lsnrctl command and you will see a new listener.log in its place under: $ORACLE_BASE\diag\tnslsnr\<hostname>...
The first place you would look for the TNS-12518 error is the listener log. Usually the listener log would be located under $ORACLE_HOME/network/log directory. You can use 'lsnrctl status' command output to look for the location of the listener log file. $lsnrctl status - - - - - - ...
The first place you would look for the TNS-12518 error is the listener log. Usually the listener log would be located under $ORACLE_HOME/network/log directory. You can use 'lsnrctl status' command output to look for the location of the listener log file. $lsnrctl status - - - - - - ...
oraclenet,javavm,server,ano /insprtcl tcp,nmp /cfg local /authadp NO_VALUE /nodeinfo NO_VALUE /responseFile J:\oracle11.1.0\product\db\network\install\netca_typ.rsp
boot-file-name 67 string false false mobile-ip-home-agent 68 ipv4-address true false smtp-server 69 ipv4-address true false pop-server 70 ipv4-address true false nntp-server 71 ipv4-address true false www-server 72 ipv4-address true false finger-server 73 ipv4-address true false irc-server...
The <location> must be one of: stdout: Log messages to standard output. stderr: Log messages to standard error. syslog: Log messages to syslog using the daemon name. syslog:<name>: Log messages to syslog using the given <name. <filename>: The full path and filename in which to log...
\oracle11.1.0\oradata -responseFile NO_VALUE -characterset ZHS16GBK -obfuscatedPasswords false -sampleSchema true -recoveryAreaDestination NO_VALUE -totalMemory 614 -automaticMemoryManagement true -maskPasswords false -sysPasswordSSYSPASS−systemPasswordSSYSPASS−systemPassword{S_SYSTEMPASS} -dbsnmp...
\oracle11.1.0\oradata -responseFile NO_VALUE -characterset ZHS16GBK -obfuscatedPasswords false -sampleSchema true -recoveryAreaDestination NO_VALUE -totalMemory 614 -automaticMemoryManagement true -maskPasswords false -sysPasswordSSYSPASS−systemPasswordSSYSPASS−systemPassword{S_SYSTEMPASS} -dbsnmp...
2)set log_file mylog 3)执行set current_listener LISTENER 4)set log_status off 5)save_config 6)stop 停止监听器 7)手工删除ADR指定的监听日志路径下的listener.log文件 8)start重启监听器 9)status查看状态 到此问题解决。 本文转自ling118 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/meiling/2071490,如...
1)LSNRCTL进入交互模式 2)set log_file mylog 3)执行set current_listener LISTENER 4)set log_status off 5)save_config 6)stop 停止监听器 7)手工删除ADR指定的监听日志路径下的listener.log文件 8)start重启监听器 9)status查看状态 到此问题解决。