and even after we cut it to 20, it is still far longer thanHOI4is meant to support. This meant trees had to be huge, Germany tree would have had to be the average, and even that one was not really enjoyable for 20 years entirely. ...
The reason employment didn't work very well (outside of the fact that to HOI4 modders, the concept of "jobs" is incomprehensible) is primarily related to time, effort, and impactfulness. With regards to Toolbox Theory, a key element of its design is that whilst rather complicated things c...
Most HOI4 players know how awful late game Hearts of Iron can get with every nation from Germany to Bolivia pumping out dozens of poorly armed and trained divisions to serve no purpose than to crash a NASA super computer they use so much processing power. Naturally, the thought of the game...
Most HOI4 players know how awful late game Hearts of Iron can get with every nation from Germany to Bolivia pumping out dozens of poorly armed and trained divisions to serve no purpose than to crash a NASA super computer they use so much processing power. Naturally, the thought of the game...
Though saying we fixed this would be insulting. The New Order team was graciously allowed to steal the AI system from the HoI4: The Cold War, as a fellow member of the Hearts of Iron IV Modding Coop. 声称是我们自己解决了这个问题可能有些无礼。因为TNO团队是作为Modding Coop的一员被慷慨地允...
Added compatibility with HoI4 version 1.11 and the No Step Back DLC 现已适配钢铁雄心4 1.11版本 和 绝不后退DLC (注:现已修复了p社更新地图外工厂上限产生的问题、修复了DX11产生的问题,并适配1.11.5。) Minor Additions 次要新增 Introduced two new mapmodes ...