With our first update, we will start small withjust one warlord, so this restructuring will take time. It will take many updates to see this restructuring applied to all the warlords. This plan also doesn’t overwrite previously announced reworks, which are still slated - those will be develo...
at game start Novosibirsk is the richest warlord best to live under is probably Tomsk Q: (关于雅利安兄弟会)各路线领导人主要工作会是什么? 叶梅利扬诺夫还可以组建许珀耳玻瑞亚吗? What are the leaders going to do? Also can Yemelyanov still try to form Hyperborea? A: 多布罗沃利斯基(古特鲁姆·...
Welcome to another development diary of The New Order: Last Days of Europe. I’m Lead Russian Developer BigJohn, and today I’ll be taking you to a part of Asia outside of Japan’s sphere – forgotten by the world but still with some fight left in it: the Central Asian nations of ...
even when compared to the genocidal ultranationalist Black League of Omsk and the unhinged fascist regime in Amur; exactly one other Russian path can be considered worse.
Or what about how some Russian warlord in the middle of Nowhere shouldn’t be able to research produce equipment at the same efficiency as the US, but putting an idea called “shitty country” would just feel weird and unjustified? So we (I) decided to create and implement the Societal De...
ThePeople's Republic of Nizhny Tagil(Russian: НижнетагильскаяНароднаяРеспублика, Nizhnetagil'skaya Narodnaya Respublika) is a warlord state, consisting of Marxist-Leninist remnants from Tyumen, that emerges in Nizhny Tagil under the leadership of Pavel Me...
And then there’s actual intervention. Issues like the constant border conflicts across Europe, the desolation of Africa, and Russian Warlordism can each be tackled by the KN and solutions decided and mutually worked towards. Chief of all for Germany however, is finding a solution to the Burgu...
·The Everyman: Mikhail was never raised as part of the royal family, having been born in France three years afterRed October. He is not a shrewd politician, cunning general, brutal warlord or firebrand ideologue. By the time of his arrival to the Russian Far East, he is just a regular...
This is one of many factions you’ll be able to form as a Russian unifier, as you establish yourself as the fourth (fuck you Italy) world superpower. 这只是许多俄国统一者能建立的阵营中的一个,你也可以领导俄罗斯成为世界第四大国(去你Y的意大利) ...
·Everyone Has Standards: He's an all-loving priest who tries to see the best in everyone and forgive his enemies, even trying to extend his forgiveness to Yagoda and Rodzaevsky. However, he can't grant this level of compassion to Sergey Taboritsky and his Holy Russian Empire, finding...