TNM分期,即Tumor-Node-Metastasis staging system,是癌症诊断和治疗的关键工具。这个系统通过对肿瘤的大小、淋巴结受累情况以及是否有远端转移进行评估,将癌症分为不同的阶段。每个阶段都有特定的治疗方法和生存预期。 首先,让我们来了解一下TNM分期的背景。在过去的几十年里,随着医疗技术的不断进步,癌症的TNM分期系统...
American Joint Committee on Cancer/tumor, nodes, metastases (AJCC/TNM) cancer staging system is widely used to stage the malignant tumors. The most recent staging system is 2017 AJCC/TNM staging system. The AJCC/TNM staging system is composed of T, N, and M components. T, N, and M ...
网络分期系统 网络释义 1. 分期系统 肿瘤、淋巴结及转移分期系统(TNM staging system) TNM分期是针对恶性肿瘤(癌症)之不同情况分类,不同分期对於病患未来的 …|基于 1 个网页 例句 释义: 全部,分期系统
TNM Cancer Staging System remains the gold standard reference for oncologists, surgeons, pathologists, radiologists, cancer registrars, and medical professionals worldwide to ensure that all those caring for cancer patients are fully versed in the language of cancer staging. This mobile resource includes...
The TNM (tumor, node, metastasis) system is commonly used to classify the anatomic extent of disease. The interactive table below defines the currently accepted staging system for non-small cell bronchogenic carcinoma. Current statistics on 5 year survival are also shown and examples of different ...
T:TumorTopography, 代表原发肿瘤的围;N:Lymph Node, 代表区域淋巴结转移的存在与否及围;M:Metastasis 代表远处转移的存在与否。三个大写字母后可分别通过接数字或小写字母来对原发部位、淋巴结转移及远处转移的情况作表达。下面分别就这三个要素作进一步讨论。 不同肿瘤的T、N、M有不同的定义,但它们有一 7、...
这是2017年美国癌症联合委员会公布的第8版结直肠癌TNM分期系统。T代表原发肿瘤(Tumor),N代表淋巴结(Node),M代表远处转移(Metastasis)。先分别对T、N和M进行分期,再综合T、N和M分期结果进行一个总的TNM分期。具体分期如下: 结直肠癌TNM分期系统 原发肿瘤(Tumor,T) ...
上沟瘤(Pancoast tumor):Pancoast肿瘤是上肺肺沟的肿瘤,其特征在于由于臂丛神经的侵入引起的疼痛,霍纳氏综合征和由于胸壁侵入而导致的骨破坏。MR优于CT进行局部分期。 请点击此处输入图片描述 一个可手术的(operable)T3 Pancoast肿瘤在矢状对比增强T1加权图像。肿瘤邻接根T1(白色...
The ninth edition of the TNM staging system provides a more detailed division of different tumor loads, but there is no clear explanation for the staging of lung cancer after neoadjuvant therapy. Further data analysis is needed, and it is expected to be answered in the tenth edition of TNM ...
上沟瘤(Pancoast tumor):Pancoast肿瘤是上肺肺沟的肿瘤,其特征在于由于臂丛神经的侵入引起的疼痛,霍纳氏综合征和由于胸壁侵入而导致的骨破坏。MR优于CT进行局部分期。 一个可手术的(operable)T3 Pancoast肿瘤在矢状对比增强T1加权图像。肿瘤邻接根T1(白色箭头),但其他神经根不参与(绿色箭头)。A =锁骨下动脉,ASM ...