The most recent staging system is 2017 AJCC/TNM staging system. The AJCC/TNM staging system is composed of T, N, and M components. T, N, and M represents primary tumor, regional lymph nodes, and distant metastasis, respectively. T category of bladder cancer is determined by invasion depth...
The updated version made evidence-based, prominent revisions in cancer stage classification system. Specifically, the old TNM staging system based on post-operative pathological examination was replaced by a more sophisticated staging system including clinical staging (cTNM), pathological staging (pTNM),...
The Revised TNM Staging System for Lung Cancer by Ramon Rami-Porta et al Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2009; 15: 4 - 9 New Guidelines for the Classification and Staging of Lung Cancer: TNM Descriptor and Classification Changes in the 8th Edition. by Peter Go...
The ninth edition of the TNM staging system provides a more detailed division of different tumor loads, but there is no clear explanation for the staging of lung cancer after neoadjuvant therapy. Further data analysis is needed, and it is expected to be answered in the tenth edition of TNM ...
对于认定晚期或重症NSCLC患者,科学的治疗策略加上积极有效的并发症处理,仍有望为患者带来获益。 参考文献: [1]Hisao Asamura, et al. 9th Edition TNM Staging Classification: LungCancer.2023 WCLC Abs PL04.03. * 此文仅用于向医学人士提供科学信息,不代表本平台观点...
The Revised TNM Staging System for Lung Cancer by Ramon Rami-Porta et al Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2009; 15: 4 - 9 New Guidelines for the Classification and Staging of Lung Cancer: TNM Descriptor and Classification Changes in the 8th Edition. by Peter Goldstraw...
The Revised TNM Staging System for Lung Cancer by Ramon Rami-Porta et al Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2009; 15: 4 - 9 New Guidelines for the Classification and Staging of Lung Cancer: TNM Descriptor and Classification Changes in the 8th Edition. by Peter Goldstraw...
Zhao KJ, Liui CW, Liu LX. Interpretation of the IASLC ninth edition of the TNM classification for lung cancer. Chin J Clin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2024, 31(4): 489-497. doi: 10.7507/1007-4848.202403015 摘要 国际肺癌研究协会(International Associati...
1. UICC. TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours, first edition 1968. URL: Accessed on 2024-03-14. 2. AJCC. Manual for Staging of Cancer, Frist edition1977. URL: https: //cancerstaging. org/references-tools/deskreferences/Pages...
The TNM system was developed in 1959 in the absence of effective systemic therapy and based on limited understanding of the biology of breast cancer as well as the then-widely accepted paradigm of orderly progression for the tumor to regional nodes and thence to distant sites, which ...