RM/2/TNLGROUP_DOWN_active: The status of the tunnel group changed to Down. (Destination=[Destination], TunnelPolicy=[TunnelPolicy]) 日志含义 当隧道组中所有隧道都发生故障了,发送此告警。 日志参数 参数名称参数含义 Destination 业务依赖的隧道目的地址。
RM/2/TNLGROUP_DOWN_active: The status of the tunnel group changed to Down. (Destination=[Destination], TunnelPolicy=[TunnelPolicy]) 日志含义 日志参数 可能原因 链路故障或者用户配置改变导致没有到指定目的地址的隧道可用。 处理步骤 1. 当隧道组故障时,设备会发送告警信息,告诉用户隧道组故障了,携带了“...
RM/2/TNLGROUP_DOWN_active: The status of the tunnel group changed to Down. (Destination=[Destination], TunnelPolicy=[TunnelPolicy]) 日志含义 当隧道组中所有隧道都发生故障了,发送此告警。 日志参数 参数名称参数含义 Destination 业务依赖的隧道目的地址。
RM/2/TNLGROUP_DOWN_active: The status of the tunnel group changed to Down. (Destination=[Destination], TunnelPolicy=[TunnelPolicy]) 日志含义 当隧道组中所有隧道都发生故障了,发送此告警。 日志参数 参数名称参数含义 Destination 业务依赖的隧道目的地址。 TunnelPolicy 业务使用的隧道策略。 可能原因 链路...
RM/2/TNLGROUP_DOWN_clear: The status of the tunnel group changed to Up. (Destination=[Destination], TunnelPolicy=[TunnelPolicy]) This log is supported only on S5755-H, S6730-H-V2, S5732-H-V2. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Meaning Destination Destination IP address of the tunnel on...
RM/2/TNLGROUP_DOWN_clear: The status of the tunnel group changed to Up. (Destination=[Destination], TunnelPolicy=[TunnelPolicy]) This log is supported only on S5755-H, S6730-H-V2, S5732-H-V2. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Meaning Destination Destination IP address of the tunnel on...
RM/2/TNLGROUP_DOWN_clear: The status of the tunnel group changed to Up. (Destination=[Destination], TunnelPolicy=[TunnelPolicy]) This log is supported only on S5755-H, S6730-H-V2, S5732-H-V2. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Meaning Destination Destination IP address of the tunnel on...
RM/2/TNLGROUP_DOWN_active: The status of the tunnel group changed to Down. (Destination=[Destination], TunnelPolicy=[TunnelPolicy]) This log is supported only on S5755-H, S6730-H-V2, S5732-H-V2. Description All tunnels in a tunnel group went Down. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Mea...
RM/2/TNLGROUP_DOWN_active: The status of the tunnel group changed to Down. (Destination=[Destination], TunnelPolicy=[TunnelPolicy]) This log is supported only on S5755-H, S6730-H-V2, S5732-H-V2. Description All tunnels in a tunnel group went Down. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Mea...
RM/2/TNLGROUP_DOWN_active: The status of the tunnel group changed to Down. (Destination=[Destination], TunnelPolicy=[TunnelPolicy]) Description All tunnels in a tunnel group went Down. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Meaning Destination Destination IP address of the tunnel on which services de...