气候变迁影响全球生物栖地与生存,生物多样性成为当今全球仅次于气候失衡的重大危机。友达身为永续企业领头羊,视环境永续为己任,并响应国际倡议生物多样性趋势,于2023年制定《生物多样性政策》,并在治理上,进一步将〝ESG暨气候委员会〞提升为〝永续暨风险管理委员会〞,2024年更依循〝自然相关财务揭露〞(Taskforce on Na...
参考文献1. Increased dependence of humans on ecosystem services and biodiversity, Zhongwei Guo et al., Oct 20102. 2020年后全球生物多样性框架, 联合国环境规划署, 2021.073. The Global Sustainable Development Report, Independent Group of Scientists, Aug 2023 4. (TNFD)Taskforce on Nature-related ...
越來越多的國家和地區開始採取措施,要求企業在其報告中納入對生物多樣性和自然資源使用的影響分析。例如,英國政府在2023年3月發布的《Green Finance Strategy》中,表明對TNFD的支持,並根據該策略的目標15,研究如何將最終框架納入英國的政策和立法體系,以支持生物多樣性框架。同時國際永續發展標準委員會(ISSB...
On 12 October 2023, the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) published its sixth and final status report. The TCFD will now be disbanded as its work has come to a close and the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) will monitor progress on the state of ...
横河电机株式会社宣布支持自然相关财务信息披露工作组(TNFD)*1在2023年9月发布的信息披露建议,并于2024年10月开始成为TNFD的采用者*2。 横河电机宣布支持TNFD的信息披露建议,表明了其积极应对与自然界相关的挑战的决心。根据TNFD的建议,横河电机将采用LEAP方法*3,评估与自然资本和生物多样性相关的影响、风险和商机...
TNFD试行框架 (v0.1) 是TNFD成员寻求公众意见和反馈后制定的初稿,目标是在2023年底前完成该框架。
This report is prepared with reference to the latest TNFD recommendations, Version 1.0, released in September 2023. * What is the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)? It refers to the so-named organization and to the framework that it provides for companies and organizatio...
3. The Global Sustainable Development Report, Independent Group of Scientists, Aug 2023 4. (TNFD)Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures, Climate Asset Management, Oct 20225. Getting started with adoption of the TNFD recommendations, TNFD website, Sep 20236. UK economy’s nature-...
Subscribe today The TNFD Recommendations On September 18, 2023, the TNFD published the final version of its framework for voluntary nature-related disclosures (the “TNFD Recommendations”). The TNFD Recommendations are designed to help organizations report and act on evolving nature-related issues,...