《Guidance on the identification and assessment of nature-related issues: the LEAP approach》LEAP方法指引 Additional Guidance by sector,行业指引,正式发布9个行业包括:金属和采矿,电力基础设施和发电厂,金融机构,化工,食品与农业,油气,森林与造纸,水产养殖及生物科技与制药。征求意见稿5个行业包括:渔业,建筑施工...
【圖四】LEAP介紹 圖片來源:Guidance on the identification and assessment of nature-related Issues: The TNFD LEAP approach v1.1、作者統整 【圖五】一般企業和金融機構執行LEAP的前置作業 圖片來源:Recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures v1.0、作者統整 定位階段(Lo...
自然相關財務揭露工作小組(Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures, TNFD)於2024年6月發布新版金融業附加指引(Additional guidance for financial institutions v2)。 TNFD繼2023年發布正式版揭露框架建議(Recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures)以及第一版金融業附加指引...
TNFD, "Recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures "(2023年9月) TNFD, Guidance on the identification and assessment of nature related issues: The LEAP approach Version.1.0 (2023年9月)他 具体的なご支援の内容
providing ongoing technical development of additional guidance to support market adoption. What can I do? Some proactive steps that you can take now in response to the release of the TNFD framework include: reading the framework and familiarising yourself with the final recommendations; piloting the...
For promoting to set science-based targets for nature and activities to achieve them, Suntory Group is participating in the program run by the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) for piloting the target validation process in accordance with the SBTN guidance released in May 2023, being the only...
(SBTN与TNFD于设定自然相关目标过程中,相呼应的共通点/数据源:Guidance for corporates on science-based targets for nature) 二、三步骤引领实践「超越气候(Beyond Climate)」的自然风险管理 根据《生物多样性公约》定义载明,「生物多样性」包含所有来源的形形色色生物体,这些来源包括陆地、海洋和其他水生生态系统及...
Biome guidance looks at land, freshwater and ocean environments and provides recommended disclosures for each ecosystem. Included in the TNFD framework is a four-stage approach for assessing and managing nature risks and opportunities. The methodology is referred to as the LEAP approach, which stands...
So please do not be overwhelmed, and if you have to read all of this, I would recommend starting with the ‘Getting started with TNFD guidance’. Then you can move to the LEAP approach, which has proved to be extremely useful for all those pilot testing organisations - that's a process...
a set of disclosure recommendations and guidance for organisations to report and act on evolving さらに表示する 業界: 該当なし 当社について-- 設立年-- 従業員-- 年間売上高--グローバルランク #641,04881,658 国ランク #168,52130,740 英国 カテゴリーランク #2,547435 (英国の)法と行...