【圖四】LEAP介紹 圖片來源:Guidance on the identification and assessment of nature-related Issues: The TNFD LEAP approach v1.1、作者統整 【圖五】一般企業和金融機構執行LEAP的前置作業 圖片來源:Recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures v1.0、作者統整 定位階段(Lo...
《Guidance on the identification and assessment of nature-related issues: the LEAP approach》LEAP方法指引 Additional Guidance by sector,行业指引,正式发布9个行业包括:金属和采矿,电力基础设施和发电厂,金融机构,化工,食品与农业,油气,森林与造纸,水产养殖及生物科技与制药。征求意见稿5个行业包括:渔业,建筑施工...
TNFD, "Recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures "(2023年9月) TNFD, Guidance on the identification and assessment of nature related issues: The LEAP approach Version.1.0 (2023年9月)他 具体的なご支援の内容
The TNFD framework uses the LEAP approach, consisting of the steps of Locate, Evaluate, Assess, and Prepare. The steps of Locate and Evaluate used the assessments produced in steps 1 and 2 of the SBTN validation pilot for direct operations and the upstream supply chain. For the Assess step...
Included in the TNFD framework is a four-stage approach for assessing and managing nature risks and opportunities. The methodology is referred to as the LEAP approach, which stands for: Locate Locate the interfaces with nature across geographies, sectors and value chains. Evaluate Evaluate depend...
LEAP The LEAP assessment approach is a new addition to the TNFD framework that wasn’t in the TCFD framework. Under LEAP, organisations are encouraged to: locate their business footprint (direct assets and operations, related value chain activities) and how it interacts with nature; evaluate the...
Regarding direct operations and the main suppliers in the Group's value chain, the results of the assessment of risks and opportunities identified in the LEAP approach as well as the identified priority locations and nature-related opportunities in our business activities are presented. For more deta...
同樣針對上述的困境與挑戰,TNFD 小組亦在「研議價值鏈評估方法」(Proposed approach to value chains)的公開意見徵詢文件中進行整理,並提供藉由「LEAP」評估方法學來鑑別優先次序並回應,或採用產業、地理位置與科學基礎目標聯盟|(Science Based Targets Network, SBTN)等多樣工具來協助判斷。另一方面,TNFD 也正積極透...
LinkedinFacebookTwitterInstagramMedium What is TNFD? The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) has a mission to provide a framework for companies to assess and enhance their processes by reducing nature-related damage and promoting a more sustainable future supported by investors. ...
So please do not be overwhelmed, and if you have to read all of this, I would recommend starting with the ‘Getting started with TNFD guidance’. Then you can move to the LEAP approach, which has proved to be extremely useful for all those pilot testing organisations - that's a process...