C57BL/6 mice were provided by the breeding unit of the animal facility of Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, Kar- olinska Institute, Sweden; B6.129S2-Tnfrsf1btm1Mwm/J (Tnfr1 À / À ) mice in C57BL/ 6 background were purchased from the Jackson Laboratory (Bar ...
(Fig.4h). Furthermore, we predicted the molecular interactions involved in the signaling of crucial cytokines in RA and found that fibroblasts transmitted most of the TNF signals via TNFRSF1A and TNFRSF1B (also known as TNFR1 and TNFR2) (Fig.4i). In addition, TNF provided by macrophages...
(n = 1 independent experiments).fAggregation of hTNF +hTNFR1 at a fixed ratio of TNF:TNFR = 1:3.2 over a range of total protein concentrations with UCB-9260 (5-fold excess over TNF) (blue trace) (n = 1 independent experiments, a similar rightward shift in the point ...