- Footage from the Detroit Pistons opening game on Tuesday last week shows members of the team wearing replica World Heavyweight Title belts. Non-Title Match Tyson Tomko w/ Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin The match starts with Tomko going after Benjamin with some hard elbows to the back. Benjami...
同年六月他加入了 NWA-TNA, 他是 NWA-TNA 第一个得到 NWA (TNA) World Heavyweight Champion, NWA (TNA) World Tag Team Champion 和 NWA TNA X-Division Champion A.J. Styles 在 WWF 的第一场也是最后一场的比赛的对手是 The Hurricane, 日期是2002年1月26日, 最后 The Hurricane 用 The Vertaebrea...
-AEW International Title #1 Contendership Casino Gauntlet Match:Will Ospreay defeats Dante Martin and Jay Lethal and Jay White and Komander (w/Alex Abrahantes) and Kyle O'Reilly and Lance Archer and Penta El Zero Miedo (w/Alex Abrahantes) (18:43) -IWGP World Heavyweight Title Match:Jon Mox...
TNA iMPACT 11.10.2010 - The NEW TNA World Heavyweight Championship Belt! 300 人观看 1 个月前 9 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 The Hardy Boyz 6,350个粉丝 其它视频 12:28 Jeff Hardy vs Chris Jericho - RAW - December 8th, 2008 4 人观看 0:54 TNA Impact Wrestling! 20.02.2014 - Willo...