Solutions That Help You into The United States Or Your Money Back.Guaranteed We’ve helped over 15,000 people! The better way to apply for a TN Visa, Made for You! Let's Get Started Do You Qualify for the TN Visa? Take the FREE Quiz and Find in less than 1 minute ...
赴美国留学 什么是TN签证 TN签证是美国、加拿大与墨西哥签订的《北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)》所形成的一个嘉惠加拿大及墨西哥籍人士的一种签证。在NAFTA的要求下,美国政府对加拿大和墨西哥的公民在来美工作的问题上给予适当的便利。 TN签证的优点: 1、可以在边境直接办理,不须经由移民局批准,批准的速度快; 2、TN 签...
TN Visa Expert has gathered useful articles to help you with your immigration process and help you get easily settled into the U.S.
Solutions That Help You into The United States Or Your Money Back. GuaranteedTN Visa Services Products About us Contact Us Resources Articles 13,000 Successful Candidans 99,4% Success Rate IT’S PROVEN, SO WHY RISK YOUR FUTURE Our 100% Money Back Guarantee! TNVISA Application Kit ...
As an educational institution, your goal is to produce graduates who go on to have successful careers. TN Visa Expert can help you realize those goals. We have affordable services for students that can help them obtain TN visas to work in professional jobs in the United States. ...
TN Visa (NAFTA Professional Workers)The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) created special economic and trade relationships for the United States, Canada and Mexico. The TN nonimmigrant classification permits qualified Canadian and Mexican citizens to seek temporary entry into the United States...
An out-of-status classification is in violation of United States immigration laws and could hinder any future efforts of travel to the United States. Keep in mind that in accordance with INA 222(g), even staying past one day can result in an out-of-status classification and void your visa...
A TN visa is not a dual intent visa, meaning that applying for permanent resident status can cause issues when traveling outside of the United States or seeking an extension of your TN visa. A pending application for permanent residence can be the basis of an initial denial of TN status. ...
What is a TN Visa? To create better relationships between the countries of North America, in 1994 the United States, Canada and Mexico signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The agreement provides economic and trade benefits among the three countries. In order to allow citizens...
If spouse or dependents are Mexican citizens, a TD nonimmigrant visa is required, which is obtained through application at an American embassy or consulate. They must also show proof that the TN nonimmigrant is maintaining his or her TN nonimmigrant status. They can apply for admission at a CBP...