Step 5: Filing a Tennessee LLC EIN The Employer Identification Number (aka EIN) is a nine-digit number given by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to make it easier to identify the type of business for tax purposes and taxes in general. The EIN is necessary for any active business or an...
The Florida Department of Revenue (FDOR) has established an electronic filing and payment process for state unemployment insurance taxes. The new format, which is available from April of 2007, enables organizations to submit tax and wage reports, along with payments, using the Extensible Markup Lan...
(g) A decision to revoke a member's fishing or hunting right may be appealed to Tribal Court by filing a complaint in the same manner as any civil action. 4-1-334 Loss of Hunting Privileges—Large Game In addition to and notwithstanding other penalties allowed by law, a member who has...
Fire Chief Paul Berardi declined to release any infor- mation about the missing woman except that she worked at JJ's. The blast happened at around 6 p.m. Tuesday, when the dinner crowd would have been filing into JJ's and the many other restaurants in the upscale Country Club Plaza ...