run-shell ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-continuum/continuum.tmux Tmux Continuum默认每隔15mins备份一次,我设置的是一天一次: set-g@continuum-save-interval'1440' 关闭自动备份,只需设置时间间隔为 0 即可: set-g@continuum-save-interval'0' 想要在Tmux启动时就恢复最后一次保存的会话环境,需增加如下配置: set-g @co...
通常我们使用screen 或者nohup的方式解决长时间执行的命令。本文介绍另一款窗口复用神器--tmux。用过tmux...
run-shell ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-continuum/continuum.tmux Tmux Continuum默认每隔15mins备份一次,我设置的是一天一次: set -g @continuum-save-interval '1440' 关闭自动备份,只需设置时间间隔为0即可: set -g @continuum-save-interval '0' 想要在Tmux启动时就恢复最后一次保存的会话环境,需增加如下配置: set ...
Running tmux -vv run-shell 'echo hello' on my macOS server takes ~20 ms. Running the equivalent time $SHELL -c 'echo yes' to bypass tmux completes in ~15 ms. How fast is that latter command for you, @Xeite? In other words, how do we know the problem isn't your shell rather t...
run-shell ~/.tmux/tmux-continuum/continuum.tmux Tmux Continuum 默认每隔 15 分钟备份一次,如果你觉得频率过高,可以设置为 1 小时一次: set -g @continuum-save-interval '60' 同样,需要重载 Tmux 配置 tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf。 需要注意的是,使用这两个 Tmux 插件要求 Tmux 是 1.9 及以上版本,...
run-shell ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-resurrect/resurrect.tmux 1 至此安装成功,按下prefix + r重载tmux配置。 Tmux Resurrec提供如下两个操作: 保存,快捷指令是prefix + Ctrl + s,tmux状态栏在保存开始,保存后分别提示”Saving…”,”Tmux environment saved !”。 恢复,快捷指令是prefix + Ctrl + r,tmux状态...
run-shell ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-resurrect/resurrect.tmux 1. 至此安装成功,按下prefix + r重载tmux配置。 Tmux Resurrec提供如下两个操作: 保存,快捷指令是prefix+Ctrl + s,tmux状态栏在保存开始,保存后分别提示”Saving…”,”Tmux environment saved !”。
run-shell 'tmux save-buffer - | reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy'# bind-key C-v run-shell 'reattach-to-user-namespace pbpaste | tmux load-buffer - \; paste-buffer -d'# 设置window的起始下标为1set-gbase-index1# 设置pane的起始下标为1set-gpane-base-index1#-- base --#set-gdefault...
void cmd_run_shell_callback(struct job *); void cmd_run_shell_free(void *); void cmd_run_shell_print(struct job *, const char *);const struct cmd_entry cmd_run_shell_entry = { .name = "run-shell", .alias = "run",.args = { "bt:", 1, 1 },...
run-shell ~/clone/path/sensible.tmux Reload TMUX environment with$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf, and that's it. Other goodies You might also find these useful: copycatimprove tmux search and reduce mouse usage pain controluseful standard bindings for controlling panes ...