bind '"' split-window -v -c '#{pane_current_path}' # Split panes vertically unbind % bind % split-window -h -c '#{pane_current_path}' # Split panes horizontal 参考文献 How to Manage and Restore Tmux Sessions in Linux - Make Tech Easier linux - How to change default new window d...
.../configure && make 实例,Tmux 命令常规使用 # 新建默认会话第一个启动的 Tmux 窗口,编号是0,第二个窗口的编号是1,以此类推。...$ tmux # 或者,新建一个指定 test1 名称的会话 $ tmux new -s test1 # 查看所有会话 $ tmux ls $ tmux list-sessions # test1...,其中的是状态栏上的窗口编号 ...
6.1 新建窗口 tmux new-window命令用来创建新窗口。 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ tmuxnew-window # 新建一个指定名称的窗口 $ tmuxnew-window-n<window-name> 6.2 切换窗口 tmux select-window命令用来切换窗口。 代码语言:javascript 复制 # 切换到指定编号的窗口 $ tmux select-window-t<window-number># 切换到...
client理论上可以无限扩展,同时,tmux的管理层级又可以分为,client,session,window,pane. 一个client中有多个session,一个session中可以有很多个window,一个window中又可以分出很多个pane,所以就这一点而言是screen所望尘莫及的,并且窗口可以横着分也可以纵着分,真的是相当方便且不可多得的神器。
new-windowopens another window within a session. They’re identified with numbers like this:-t :1 send-keys- tmux tries to make it easy for you and guess whether you meant a key or literal sequence:Enterdoes what you’d (not) expect ...
Maintenance only, no bug fixes or new featuresTestingAdd pytest-xdist (PyPI, GitHub) for parallel testing (#522). pytest: py.test -n auto pytest-watcher: env PYTEST_ADDOPTS='-n auto' make start entr(1): make watch_test test="-n auto" Improve flakey tests: retry_until() tests: ...
./configure && make sudo make install tmux can use the utempter library to update utmp(5), if it is installed - run configure with --enable-utempter to enable this. For more detailed instructions on building and installing tmux, see this page. From version control To get and build the ...
cmd-new-window.c Make client -c and -t handling common in cmd-queue.c and try to be 5年前 cmd-parse.y Add helpers for the simple case of parse string and add to command queue. 5年前 cmd-paste-buffer.c Merge branch 'obsd-master' ...
c Create a new window. d Detach the current client. f Prompt to search for text in open windows. i Display some information about the current window. l Move to the previously selected window. n Change to the next window. o Select the next pane in the current window. p Change to the...
Create a new window. .It d Detach the current client. .It f Prompt to search for text in open windows. .It i Display some information about the current window. .It l Move to the previously selected window. .It m Mark the current pane (see .Ic select-pane .Fl m...