tmux启动,选择启动几个window,每个window平均分4个panel 如: 1. 将启动脚本保存到 tmuxs.sh文件中,将关闭脚本保存到tmuxk.sh文件中。 2. 启动终端,执行tmuxs.sh,输入3,将创建3个window,每个window分4个panel 3. 执行tmuxk.sh,将关闭所有的windows 启动: #!/usr/bin/env bash echo "create windows count...
- {key: N, mods: Command|Shift, command:{program:"/usr/local/bin/alacritty", args:["msg","create-window","-e","/usr/local/bin/fish","--login","--command","tmux-sessions --all"]}}# open session in new window with all sessions menu across servers 奖励 Alacritty 图标 Alacritty ...
Create new window in the background (don't switch to it): >>>bg_window=session.new_window(attach=False,window_name="ha in the bg")>>>bg_windowWindow(@...2:hainthebg,Session($1...))# Session can search the window>>>session.windows.filter(window_name__startswith="ha") [Window(...
/* * Create a new window. */#define NEW_WINDOW_TEMPLATE "#{session_name}:#{window_index}.#{pane_index}"static enum cmd_retval cmd_new_window_exec(struct cmd *, struct cmdq_item *);const struct cmd_entry cmd_new_window_entry = { .name = "new-window",...
bind S command-prompt "new-window -n %1 'ssh %1'" set -g default-command "exec /bin/fish" 定制状态行 状态行左边默认就很好了,我对右边定制了一下,显示 uptime 和 loadavg: set -g status-right "#[fg=green]#(uptime.pl)#[default] • #[fg=green]#(cut -d ' ' -f 1-3 /proc/...
Prefix + c Create a new window Prefix + p Switch to the previous window Prefix + n Switch to the next window Prefix + 0-9 Switch to a window using it’s index number Prefix + w Choose a window from an interactive list exit Close a window Prefix + & Force kill-all processes in an...
c Create a new window. d Detach the current client. f Prompt to search for text in open windows. i Display some information about the current window. l Move to the previously selected window. n Change to the next window. o Select the next pane in the current window. p Change to the...
一个tmux实例可以包含多个会话(Session),一个会话可以包含多个窗口(Window),一个窗口可以包含多个面板(Pane)。 tmux的作用: tmux中的进程即使在终端关闭后也能继续运行,这是因为tmux作为一个终端复用器,它在用户和程序之间创建了一个持久的会话层。当你在tmux中启动一个会话和进程时,实际上是在tmux的上下文中而不...
Create a new window. .It d Detach the current client. .It f Prompt to search for text in open windows. .It i Display some information about the current window. .It l Move to the previously selected window. .It m Mark the current pane (see .Ic select-pane .Fl m...