$ tmux new-session -s session-name #建立会话 $ tmux new -s session -d #在后台建立会话 $ tmux kill-session -t session-name # 结束会话 一键启动远程主机上的 tmux $ ssh -t username@server.com tmux 如果你之前在远程主机上已经开启了 tmux 的话,用以下命令。 $ ssh -t username@server.com ...
Session and Window Preview Ctrl+b( Move to previous session Ctrl+b) Move to next session Windows $tmux new -s mysession -n mywindow start a new session with the namemysessionand windowmywindow Ctrl+bc Create window Ctrl+b, Rename current window ...
# 使用会话编号$ tmux switch -t 0# 使用会话名称$ tmux switch -t <session-name> 3.6 重命名会话 tmux rename-session命令用于重命名会话。 $ tmux rename-session -t 0 <new-name> 上面命令将0号会话重命名。 3.7 会话快捷键 下面是一些会话相关的快捷键。 Ctrl+b d:分离当前会话。 Ctrl+b s:列出...
start new: tmux 1. start new with session name: tmux new -s myname 1. attach: tmux a # (or at, or attach) 1. attach to named: tmux a -t myname 1. list sessions: tmux ls 1. kill session: tmux kill-session -t myname 1. Kill all the tmux sessions: tmux ls | grep : |...
This will create a new session with the name “database”. You could also rename your existing session: tmux rename-session -t 0 database The next time you attach to that session you simply usetmux attach -t database. If you’re using multiple sessions at once this can become an essent...
Ctrl-b c # create new window Ctrl-b n/p # move to next/previous window --- using pane --- split: Ctrl-b % # horizaontally Ctrl-b " # vertically tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet start new: tmux start new with session name: tmuxnew-s myname attach...
new-session [-AdDP] [-F format] [-n window-name] [-s session-name] [-t target-session] [-x width] [-y height] [shell-command] (alias: new) Create a new session with name session-name. The new session is attached to the current terminal unless -d is given. window-name and ...
Create a new session with name .Ar session-name . .Pp The new session is attached to the current terminal unless .Fl d is given. .Ar window-name and .Ar shell-command are the name of and shell command to execute in the initial window. With .Fl d , the initial ...
So I created a simple one : GitHub - omerxx/tmux-sessionx: A Tmux session manager, with preview, fuzzy finding, and MORE You can view preview (of both sessions and individual windows) as well as, switch, create, delete, rename and more. Please let me know any thoughts / ideas, and...
session_name: env-demo environment: DATABASE_URL: "sqlite3:///default.db" windows: - window_name: dev environment: DATABASE_URL: "sqlite3:///dev-1.db" panes: - pane - environment: DATABASE_URL: "sqlite3:///dev-2.db" will result in a window with two panes. In the first pane...