Tmux 是 Terminal Multiplexer 的简称,它是一款优秀的终端复用软件,类似 GNU screen,但比screen更出色。
unbind pbind-r C-h previous-window# select previous windowbind-r C-l next-window# select next windowbindTab last-window# move to last active window# toggle mousebindm run"cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _toggle_mouse"# -- urlview ---bindU run"cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s ...
then make sure they all sleep for different periods # or you can experience problems /bin/sleep 5 # Ensure the environment is available source ~/.bashrc # Create a new tmux session named newscrawler.. /usr/bin/tmux new-session -d -s bitcoin...
To create a new tmux session running vi(1): $ tmux new-session vi Most commands have a shorter form, known as an alias. For new-session, this is new: $ tmux new vi Alternatively, the shortest unambiguous form of a command is accepted. If there are several options, they are listed:...
Creating, Detaching, and Attaching tmux Sessions Start a new tmux session with the following command: tmux The commandstmux newortmux new-sessioncan be used as well. You can create a new session with a specific name by runningtmux new -s $name, replacing$namewith a unique name for your ...
switch-client -t default # # Create session "default" and initial windows new-session -s default -n default split-window -h # Use send-keys so we run reattach-to-user-namespace new-window -n vifm send-keys "vifm" "Enter" new-window -n tasks send-keys "vit" "Enter" # Select init...
Create new session tmux tmux screen Create new screen/window Ctrl-w c Ctrl-b c Ctrl-a c New screen/window Ctrl-w n Ctrl-b n Ctrl-a n Previous screen/window Ctrl-w p Ctrl-b p Ctrl-a p Last-used screen/window Ctrl-w l Ctrl-b l Ctrl-a Ctrl-a Show active screens/windows Ctrl...
cmd-new-session.c Instead of forbidding invalid session names, sanitize them. 5年前 cmd-new-window.c Make client -c and -t handling common in cmd-queue.c and try to be 5年前 cmd-parse.y Add helpers for the simple case of parse string and add to command queue. 5年前 cm...
Tmux should open immediately, and a new shell session should start up for you. But we want more than one, remember? To enter tmux’s command mode, we’ll need to use the prefix. This is usuallyCtrlandbpressed simultaneously. Alone, you won’t notice anything changing by pressing the pre...
tmux is a software application that can be used to multiplex several virtual consoles, allowing a user to access multiple separate terminal sessions inside a single terminal window or remote terminal session. It is useful for dealing with multiple programs from a command line interface, and for se...