2. TMUA preparation set In addition to the TMUA past papers provided on the official website, UEIE has newly released the TMUA preparation set, which includes more than 1,100 practices, solving the problem of needing more questions to practice....
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STEP FAQs –Answers to common questions and key information you need to know before sitting your STEP exams. STEP Questions and Solutions Database –Two databases (STEP 2 & STEP 3) with links to questions, mark schemes, and examiner comments (where available), categorised by topic and mappe...
Besides the knowledge outlined in Paper 1, Paper 2 will also test the student’s abilities in argumentation logic, methods of proof, recognizing errors in proofs and more. VIII. TMUA difficulty analysis 1. Are TMUA questions easy? Yes, people always say that TMUA is easy. But how simple...