1. We can provide customers with samples freely, only need customers to stand the freight rate, and what's more, we have our own DHL account with 50% discount, you can also pay us the freight in advance and we then send you samples by our account, which ...
Recent years especially in year 2021, lots of sellers of steels set up one international trading company, register Made-in-China VIP member, and make money by cheating clients.They are offeringincredible low rate to attract clients and sending less weight goods to m...
or I mean, a fourth industrial revolution, jobs are being created and displaced right now at a record rate. And historically, what we -- I mean, all of us in this room, and the world -- has used to assess talent are things like, where did this person go to school; or what was...
GDP per Capita (USD) 7,815.616 2023 yearly 1960 - 2023 Gross Fixed Capital Formation (USD mn) 31,720.988 Sep 2024 quarterly Mar 1993 - Sep 2024 Gross National Product (GNP) (USD mn) 127,863.803 Sep 2024 quarterly Mar 1993 - Sep 2024 Gross Savings Rate (%) 29.6 Dec 2022...
By just doing these things will greatly improve your success rate with your aquarium. You are not alone and there are already numerous answers to questions like yours that already exist on the web site. Take a little time and search through the site for lots of helpful info.-Chuck> ...
in it for the long haul now at least 45 days. So now I have three tanks set up and running. A ten gal hospital bare bones with a powder blue in it which I'm am treating with hypo salinity and formalin dips plus my own tank/filter creation which has a high enough turn over rate...
Usage Grade Yield Strength (MPA) Tensile Strength (MPA) Elongation rate % Punching galvanized steel DX51D+Z ~ 270-500 >=20 DX52D+Z 140-300 270-420 >=22 DX53D+Z 140-260 270-380 >=26 DX54D+Z 140-220 270-350 >=30 Structure galvanized steel...
<Not anything off the top of my head - but you may want to add Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) to the water at a rate of 1 to 2 tablespoons per ten gallons to help her pass anything further that she might need.> Thanks for any help, -Gail <Wishing you well, -Sabrina> FW Fish ...