PC = Pok�mon Colloseum 3rd Orre GameCube FR/LG = FireRed/LeafGreen 3rd Kanto Game Boy Advance XD = Gales of Darkness 3rd Orre GameCube E = Emerald 3rd Hoenn Game Boy Advance D/P = Diamond/Pearl 4th Sinnoh Nintendo DS PBR = Pok�mon Battle Revolution 4th N/A Wii Types: 1st ...
t=320333 感谢作者GoGoJJTech 祝大家圣诞节快乐 下载在2楼 PS:UPS补丁有3个版本,分别对应火红,红宝石,绿宝石,没有分别,我只打了火红版补丁 Pokemon Platinum Red and Blue Versions are 2 separate GBA hacks, both using Fire Red as a base. I repeat, Pokemon Platinum Version on the gba. Platinum ...
HM #03 Surf - Defeat the 5 Eevee trainers in Ecruteak City and talk to the father HM #04 Strength - House next to the Pokemon Center in Olivine City HM #05 Flash - Defeat Sage Li in Sprout Tower HM #06 Whirlpool - Help Lance defeat Team Rocket in Mahogany Town HM #07 Waterfall -...