摄氏度温度= [(模拟电压mV)-500]/10 Arduino Sketch-简单温度计 此示例代码显示了Arduino一种快速创建温度传感器的方法,它只需在串行端口上打印摄氏温度和华氏温度的当前温度即可。 下载:文件 复制代码 //TMP36Pin Variables int sensorPin = 0; //theanalogpin the TMP36’s Vout (sense) pin is connected ...
1. 电路设计:首先,根据TMP36GT9Z的工作电压和输出特性,设计相应的电路。通常情况下,可以采用Arduino等微控制器进行信号读取,确保与其兼容。 2. 连接引脚:TMP36GT9Z有三个引脚,分别为VCC(电源)、GND(接地)和VOUT(输出)。安装时需将VCC连接至适当的电源,引脚GND连接至地线,而引脚VOUT则需连接至微控制器的模拟输入...
基于Arduino Nano R3的影音柜风扇控制器源码.zip 上传者:2301_78008478时间:2023-08-29 238【毕设课设】基于STM32心率温度检测报警设计.zip 可以正常使用 上传者:qq_44291850时间:2021-03-23 CPU为TMP47C433AN的彩电屏中出现字符M故障的处理.pdf CPU为TMP47C433AN的彩电屏中出现字符M故障的处理.pdf ...
将温度传感器(TMP36)放在面包板上,使圆形部分背向Arduino,如图所示(这是默认方向)。 将温度传感器放在E排的面包板上,如图所示。 连接温度传感器,使左引脚连接到5V电压,中间引脚连接到Arduino上的A0,右引脚连接到GND。 在电路原理图中,您可以看到温度传感器连接到电源(5伏)和地(0伏)以及模拟引脚A0。随着温度升高,...
Send Raspberry Pi Data to COSM Save and Graph Analog Temperature Data Arduino Lesson 12. LCD Displays - Part 2 Learn Arduino, Lesson 12. LCD Displays - Part 2 Adafruit Data Logger Shield Adafruit's Data Logger Shield, now pre-assembled!
TMP36 is a temperature sensor chip which generates an analog voltage at the output which is linearly proportional to the Celsius temperature. This article mainly covers pinot, datasheet, applications, features and other details about TMP36. Arduino uno temperature sensor TMP36 Catalog TMP36 Descripti...
The meter used is basic aftermarket car water temperature meter. This is how to use it with Intel Edison and Arduino. Step 1: Setting Up. 2 More Images The setup is basic. Look up the two wires from the meter that will move the needle, In my case they were black and green. To do...