【有手就行】使用你自己的声音做语音合成,支持直接上传音频,使用语音识别和语音合成前端进行预标注,上传好音频后一键运行即可,必须使用GPU环境,建议使用 32G的GPU环境运行 - 飞桨AI Studio
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\torch\_inductor\compile_fx.py", line 1352, in fw_compiler_base _recursive_joint_graph_passes(model) File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\torch\_inductor\compile_fx.py", line 256, in _recursive_joint_graph_passes joint_graph_passes(gm) File "C:\Py...
tmpfiles: move --purge to command section in --help text where it bel… 69d7682 tmpfiles: remove pointless empty line 6f77039 tmpfiles: improve debug logging around O_NOATIME fallback 4f25330 tmpfiles: make --tldr help text symmetric to --cat-config ...
fname =writetmp(view('mean_avg_losses', self.calc.datastore)) self.assertEqualFiles('expected/mean_avg_losses.txt', fname)# test the case when all GMFs are filtered outwithself.assertRaises(RuntimeError)asctx: self.run_calc(case_2.__file__,'job.ini', minimum_intensity='10.0') self....
Hi Boyd, thanks a lot for your feedback. In the mean time, it seems that the licence error has been fixed. Without changing the source code I now get a new error message: Warning: Incompatible redefinition of macro "MBED_RAM_SIZE" in "tmp/ri5vjg", Line: 39, Col: 10 Error: "/tm...
If that's the case, then why do you need to explicitly clean the /tmp directory? Because you don't reboot your server everyday like a desktop computer. I meancheck the uptime of your server; it might be running for weeks, if not for months and years. ...
This was not significantly higher than 16 subjects with a non-hybrid implant showing a mean phoneme score of 86 ± 11% (p = 0.549). Both subjects lost residual hearing in the lower frequencies over the years, while their aided PTA and phoneme score at 70 dB remained stable, ...
鸦片战争改变了中国历史发展的进程。中国不再享有完整独立的主权,自然经济遭到破坏,中国社会开始从封建社会变为半殖民地半封建社会。下面的史实能够印证这一结论的有( )①英商进出口货物应缴纳的税款,中国须同英国商定②开放广州、厦门、福州、宁波、上海为通商口岸③允许日本在通商口岸开设工厂④划定北京东交民...
There were 2 high-utilization centers interacting with the ML software mean 160 times, one medium center that interacted 64 times and one low center interacting 42 times during the study period. We observed a reduction on DTG of 11 minutes in the high-interaction center (p<0.01) but no ...
Checklist I have searched related issues but cannot get the expected help. The bug has not been fixed in the latest version. Describe the bug I have trained and tested successfully before, but after a break of connection with SSH server,...