Description Making tModLoader working properly on Apple M1 (i can contribute as well, very good c# and c++ skills) What does this proposal attempt to solve or improve? Making mods working, at the moment not all mods working fine. Which (...
Version Latest 1.4-stable OS Windows Platform Steam This bug affects Gameplay as a Player Description 2 weeks ago I started playing Tmodloader with my friends in the 1.4-stable version. Everything was fine until today that I was not able...
Might need to switch to windows version for mods 1 year ago Tinker Steps:Custom Proton: proton 8.0-5 Significant Bugs:Yes at one point tabbed out with an error message claiming the game had crashed due to not loading an asset, though the game did not infact crash Other than that one fal...
I am adeveloper(Create mods) I am acontributor(Help create tModLoader) Support us First and foremost, TML is largely a community endeavour: built by the community; used by the community. Without all the contributions people in the community have made over the years, TML would not be in th...
If the Terraria installation files orthe mod files are damaged or incomplete, it can result in errors when loading the game or mods. 4.Insufficient System Requirements: TModLoader, like any other software, has specific system requirements. If a player’s computer does not meet these requirements...
Fix exceptions not being logged from server Fix 50 townNPC limit in housing UI Fixed issue with Old Ones Army items giving too much damage boost Fix PostDrawTiles scale Map background drawing now accommodates non-standard sizes Fix GlobalItem.OnConsumeAmmo ...
Disable game modifications:The problem can be hidden behind a faulty mod, not the mod loader itself. Disable all mods; if the game loads, enable them individually to find the problematic one. You can hold theleft Shift keywhile the game is loading to skip mods loading. ...
I am adeveloper(Create mods) I am acontributor(Help create tModLoader) Support us First and foremost, TML is largely a community endavour: built by the community; used by the community. Without all the contributions people in the community have made over the years, TML would not be in ...
I am a developer (Create mods) I am a contributor (Help create tModLoader) Support us First and foremost, TML is largely a community endeavour: built by the community; used by the community. Without all the contributions people in the community have made over the years, TML would not be...
Not every host is the same. You'll need to make sure that tModLoaderServer is being launched with either the command line argument or the server config line for the path to Mods folder. If you wish to use a Mods folder in the same folder as the tModLoaderServer executable, I believe ...