// "LoadError": "An error occurred while loading {0}", // "LoadErrorDisabled": "The mod(s) have been automaticallybeendisabled.", // "LoadErrorDisabled": "The mod(s) have been automatically disabled.", // "LoadErrorCulpritUnknown": "The mod responsible is unknown and tModLoader must...
"MPErrorModDownloadError": "An error occurred while downloading {0}", "MPPacketTooLarge": "Packet too large {0} > {1}", "ReloadRequiredDownloadAndContinue": "Download and Continue", "ReloadRequiredReloadAndContinue": "Reload and Continue", "ReloadRequiredServerJoinMessage": "Due to the foll...
With an IDE, such as VS, you can debug your mod. Debugging is the best way to pinpoint issues in your mod and solve them. While debugging, you can set 'breakpoints' which will make the application 'stop' and pause itself when it gets to that point. During this pause you can inspect...
// "RuntimeErrorSeeLogsForFullTrace": "(see {0} for full trace)", // "PlayerSaveFail": "An error occurred while saving the player", // "OpenLogs": "Open Logs", // "OpenWebHelp": "Open Web Help", // "SkipToMainMenu": "Skip Loading Mods", @@ -173,12 +179,12 @@ // Mo...
string message = "An error occurred while loading " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modFile); if (modFile != "recipes") { @@ -50,10 +85,11 @@ internal static void LogException(Exception e) { Directory.CreateDirectory(LogPath); string file = LogPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + ...
"MPErrorModDownloadError": "An error occurred while downloading {0}", "MPPacketTooLarge": "Packet too large {0} > {1}", // UIAsyncList "ALLoading": "Loading...", "ALNoEntries": "No matching entries", "ALCancel": "Loading cancelled, refresh to see all entries", "ALError": "An...