求助大佬,tmodl..今天又又又把tmodloader整崩溃了但是有点搞不懂这个怎么解决拜托了大佬们以下是日志[14:20:08] [1/INFO] [tML]: Starting tModLoader v0.11.8.5
我的tModLoad..[14:33:45] [1/INFO] [tML]: Starting tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Win32NT client (2022/3/28)[14:33:45] [1/INF
Autostarting On Boot When usingmanage-tModLoaderServer.sh, refer to your distro's documentation. You can likely use a startup script with your init system. When using the Docker container, addrestart: alwayswithinservices.tmlinside ofdocker-compose.yml, then rebuild withdocker-compose build. ...
tiosa/tModLoader 加入Gitee 与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :) 免费加入 已有帐号?立即登录 master 克隆/下载 git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 分支11 标签63 ...
. sed: /proc/52065/cmdline: No such file or directory Launched Using Local Dotnet [16:47:13] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Save Are Located At: /Users/nemo/Library/Application Support/Terraria/tModLoader [16:47:13] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Starting tModLoader client
tModLoader..16:06:59] [1/INFO] [tML]: Starting tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Windows client (2020/11/30 星期一)[16:06:59] [1
mac打不开tmodloader芯片是m1,能够正常安装tmodloader,但是只要点击启动,steam就会显示已在运行,几秒之后就会再次显示绿色的启动按钮 可我的tmodloader从来就没有打开过 没有加mod. 分享2赞 terraria吧 SmileDante666 求助大佬,tmodloader不能启动了 今天又又又把tmodloader整崩溃了但是有点搞不懂这个怎么解决 拜托...
A TModLoader Fatal Error is an error message that appears when launching TModLoader or loading a modded Terraria game. This error typically prevents the game from starting or causes it to crash, resulting in the loss of progress and frustration for players. It is important to address this issu...
Version Latest 1.4.4-stable OS Linux Platform Steam This bug affects... Gameplay as a Player Description Hi, There; When I use the command below to install mods ./manage-tModLoaderServer.sh install-mods --steamcmdpath /usr/games/steamcmd...
tModLoader will detect when.hjsonfiles in the ModSources folders are saved and will reload them automatically while in-game. By using this approach, the modder does not need to rebuild and reload the mod to test the new values. If you are using this feature, remember to rebuild the mod...